JOURN 4000 1st Edition Lecture 2 Outline of Last Lecture I Sandra Hyde case II III IV LA Times case History of British Law Overview of US Law Outline of Current Lecture I Overview of US law II First Amendment models Current Lecture Certification federal court asks the state s highest court how it would decide a matter of state law No certification and the federal judge decides wrongly Res judicata or anything decided Who is more powerful federal or state judges Habeas corpus where federal judges have power Citations US Supreme Court cases US If a citation has an F it is a federal case Names of state courts Supreme Court highest ranking court except for NY and Maryland Court of Appeals is highest court What if an appellate court needs more info It remands the case to the trial court If testimony is involved only trial courts hear it If appellate court overturns the trial court s decision it remands it to the trial court 1791 1st Amendment Congress shall make no law These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 3 possible models 1 No limits no legal damages a Like the state of nature in social contract theory b Locke and Hobbes anarchists c Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black in the 1960s Congress shall make no law Period 2 No limits legal damages a William Blackstone British jurist wrote the Commentaries of the Law of England b Thought freedom of press would be destroyed if there were limits c Publish anything if it is improper immoral or illegal there will be repercussions 3 Some limits legal damages a Supreme Court Oliver Wendell Homes
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