FSU ADV 3008 - Copy Cat

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ADV 3008 Lecture 8 Outline of Current Lecture I Copy Cat a Headline b Tagline c Logos Current Lecture Copy Cats Copy set of words that appear in ads o Words the advertisement Dialogue Voiceover Headline Tagline Words in logo Body copy Headline is designed to attract attention for the adv It s the most important copy component of a print ad There are two types of headlines 1 Direct Headline includes the product names and the benefits The advantage of a direct headline is that the product name and benefit gets read first Product Name Product benefit or attribute Reader takes away these two main points 2 Indirect headline designed to provoke curiosity and pull you into the rest of the ad The use of the pull creates more interest in the rest of the ad Indirect headlines usually have higher readership Headlines are designed to do three things 1 Attract Attention 2 Segment readers 3 Lead into copy Tagline Slogan Headlines and taglines are both designed to grab attention Different from headlines because it s designed to provided linkage for a company or brand Summarize the brand position Think Nike Just do It Effective Taglines are short and easy to remember and helps to trigger thoughts about the brand Logo A special visual design that represents that company o Visual design representing the company or product o Serves as a cue to recall o Stimulates recognition of the product and or company Components of Body Copy nuts and bolts of an ad o Not always formal paragraphs 1 Lead paragraph Tied to headline Transition to body copy 2 Interior paragraphs Details of the ad 3 Final Paragraph Call to action what s the purpose of the ad What it wants you to do Behavior Following are the ways to write a good copyright o Benefit to the reader Tell the reader why they should care Solution to a problem Consumer point of view Single purpose o Write to one person We read the ad one at a time Psychographic profiles o Involve the reader Make reader curious Present the unexpected o Want to help build credibility and believability Especially important when dealing with facts o Writing style Relationship building Conversational tone Personal

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FSU ADV 3008 - Copy Cat

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