Copywriting Words in the advertisement Dialogue Voiceover narrator into the rest of the copy main points thinking Headline most important copy component of print ad designed to attract attention segment readers leads readers Direct headline Product name Product benefit attribute has to have both reader takes away these two Indirect headline Curiosity puns word play creates interest in rest of ad higher readership provokes Tagline slogan signature designed to attract attention provide a link summarizes brand position Effective Taglines short no specific length easy to remember trigger thoughts about the brand Logo visual design representing the company product serves as a cue to recall stimulates recognition of the product company Body Copy Reasons for purchase detailed info not always formal paragraphs Lead paragraph bridge from headline to body copy Interior paragraphs the meat of the ad details High involvement product usually a longer copy Final paragraph call to action asking for a behavior ex test drive Writing Good Copy Benefit to the reader solution to a problem consumer point of view single purpose Write to one person psychographic profiles Involve the reader indirect headlines present the unexpected Create Credibility Believability especially important when dealing with facts Writing style relationship building with customers conversational tone personal Layout The orderly arrangement of all the copy elements plus all the artwork most likely to stop the reader and grab Visual vs Verbal shift from heavy reliance on copy greater emphasis on visual Print Production their attention Visual broad image Copy main point elements must work together Illustration Tasks Attention for the headline convey broad ideas Feelings and Emotions Tell stories Illustration Contents Product alone Product in use creation of image mood charts tables graphs more likely to be effective this way dramatization of product features Design Balance equality of elements vertically horizontally pleasant look feel Focal Point single element that draws the reader into the ad one focal point per ad starting point for the ad Copy headline Visual illustration photo Eye Movement The manner in which an eye reads the ad upper left to lower right Gaze Motion Created by a layout that purposely breaks natural eye movement Eyes limbs structures Unity The extent to which all elements of an ad tie together continuity in a campaign Types of Layouts Picture Window Standard Illustration draws you in Headline doesn t have to be at the top Body Copy Extensive Copy Large illustration Poster bold visual will dominate creates mood image feeling very limited copy Copy Heavy extensive copy with little or no visual support serious involving topics Script specifies the audio and video instructions allows for discussion of proposed commercial many departments Storyboard developed from script serves as the blueprint for the production of the commercial Broadcast Production are involved internal use Components Visuals pictures showing main scenes Video written description of what camera sees Audio written description of what is heard Presentation to help sell creative ideas Television Production Preproduction all decisions and planning prior to filming set design lighting catering casting rehearsal etc Production shooting the storyboard often times the easiest out of the three Post Production all activity after the filming of the storyboard narrator s voice music sound effects computer graphics etc Creating Effective Television Commercials Visually captivating most content is visual K I S S Focus on one main idea keep it sweet simple Opening is critical attention must be grabbed early Entertainment as a means to sell advertising is not pure entertainment Believable credibility is crucial Show desired behavior when possible Radio Production No visuals increased difficulty Creating effective radio commercials Grab attention early station switching tuning out Theater of the mind using voices sound effects and music to let the listener s imagination create visuals Music jingles most programming is music based Image transfer transferring a visual created in a visual medium to radio doesn t work if campaign had originated in radio K I S S focus on one main idea Ask for action behavior Repetition sometimes of the brand name listener can t see product Specific radio strategies helps create theater of the mind Humor be careful because humor is subjective Unique Voices Sound Effects sfx Music the creative team Directional Research Research that guides the creative effort by providing a clearer view of the realities faced by Useful during situation analysis consumer analysis product analysis competitive analysis macro analysis Assessment Research Evaluates the success of the creative product in achieving strategic objectives research conducted early in the decision sequence has the greatest value conducted throughout the entire creative process Pretesting Developmental pre testing concept testing Conducted during strategy development Early in the creative process are concepts appropriate for achievement of objectives Quick and relatively inexpensive feedback small samples focus on awareness and attitude change Final Pretesting Finished ads or close to finished last check before investment in media largest portion of budget best is Field Test test market More common conducted under natural conditions sacrifice control for real world impact Laboratory Test Exposure in a controlled setting sacrifice realism for control results are slightly skewed because Post Testing after the campaign is in the marketplace evaluation of campaign objectives beginning of situation to use a combination of the two lack of natural setting analysis for the next campaign What is Measured Awareness day after recall the of respondents that can recall a message the day after exposure to the message Problems low involvement products often test poorly less effective for emotional messages may measure intrusiveness not effectiveness you may remember the ad but not want to buy the product reduces creative judgement to a single number may lead to less than ideal decisions Attitude changes in perception Behavior More common in post testing sales results purchase intent Physiological Response how the body responds No mental effort not natural Methods Available Experiments Cause Effect based on exposure to ad Field Experiments natural viewing sacrifices control Laboratory
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