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ADV3008 Exam 2 Study Notes This is the words and text of the advertisement It includes Copywriting Copy Dialogue Voiceover Headlines o This is the eye catcher and the most important component of your ad Headlines are responsible to attract attention segment readers and lead readers into copy There are two types direct and indirect headlines Direct Headlines They get straight to the point and includes the product name benefit or attribute Viewers don t need to see the entire ad or campaign to get the message it is in the headline Indirect Headlines Activates the viewers role and makes you keep reading Provokes curiosity uses puns and word play creates interest in the rest of the ad and results in higher readership o Taglines are short and easy to remember i e a slogan Taglines like headlines gain attention and provide a consistent link throughout the campaign Ultimately a tagline summarizes your brand position Effective taglines are short easy to remember and trigger thoughts in the viewers mind Taglines Logos o A visual design representing the brand company or product o Serves as a cue for consumers to recall your brand o Stimulates recognition Body Detailed paragraphs more associated with print medias o Not always formal Often include lead paragraphs that transition from the headline to the body Interior paragraphs detail the product or ad campaign Final paragraphs bring a call to action and represents what the advertiser is expecting the consumer to do and targets their behaviour towards the product Writing good copy benefits the reader in Providing a solution to a problem Presents the desired point of view of the consumer Is single purposed In remaining single purposed good copy targets one person or audience based on their psychographic profiles It involves the reader by presenting the unexpected Good copy increases credibility and believability especially when presenting data or facts Copy should be written in a style that builds relationships amongst your audience while remaining personal and conversational Advertising Campaigns Layout Visual vs Verbal Emphasis Illustrations Attract attention for the headline Convey the broad ideas and benefits Generate feelings and emotions Tell a story Contents Product alone Ex Tiffany and Diet Pepsi Products in use Mood development The visual is effective in communicating a broad idea or image but the copy and words can deliver the main point They must work hand in hand Charts and graphs showing quantative information Dramatization of product features Mini Cooper Eclipse Mount Sinai Surgery Design Balance an aesthetic feature that makes a piece appealing to look at through the equality of its content Balance across all aspect of your ad Focal point the single element that draws the reader into the ad Whether visual verbal copy or statistical each ad normally has one Multiple focal points can distort the readers perception of the ad Movement Normally an arranged movement from element to element in order to direct the reader through the message Normally top left to top right to bottom left to bottom right in a Z shape Gaze Motion o Created by a layout that breaks the natural eye movement Forces the reader to be involved Less balance more reader involvement o Any visual component using lines vectors and angles are often employed to control the viewer s gaze Unity How well do all the elements of the ad fit together Unity is also necessary across the entire campaign besides just an individual ad Emphasizes the theme of an ad campaign Types of Layouts Picture Window Window reveals the focal point Windowsill holds the headline Wall houses the body Very common in print ads By putting the headline beneath the focal point it increases the likelihood that the entire ad will be read Poster Dominated by bold visual and little copy Emphasize a mood or feeling amongst products where status style and emotions are the targeting elements Liquor fashion luxury items Representative of more than the product also the brand Copy Heavy Extensive copy with little visual support High involvement products Find the most appropriate layout for your target audience Specifies the audio and video instructions Allows for discussion of proposed commercial Broadcast Production Script Internally used Storyboard Developed from script Blueprint for production Components o Pictures showing main scenes o Video written description of what camera sees o Audio written description of what is heard o Helps agency sell its creative ideas Presentation Television Production 1 Preproduction a All planning and decisions prior to filming 2 Production a Shooting the storyboard 3 Postproduction a All activity after the filming of the storyboard Creative Effective TV Commercials Visually captivating and exciting Utilizes visual content KISS Keep It Sweet Simple Focus on one idea Opening is critical in gaining your audiences attention Entertainment as a means to sell Advertising is not purely entertainment Believable and credible Calls for an action or desired behaviour Radio Production Using no visuals creates more difficulties in how you transmit your message Creating Effective Radio Commercials Grab attention early to avoid audiences tuning in and out Theater of the mind Create visuals in the minds of your listeners using voices sound effects and music Successfully transfers a visual created in a visual medium to a non visual medium radio Calls for an action or desired behaviour Utilizes reputation as listener can t see product Poor reputations are hard to overcome when using radio as an advertising channel Radio Strategies Humour Unique Voices Sound Effects Music Research Techniques Directional Research creative team Assessment Research Guides the creative effort by providing a clearer view of the realities faced by the Evaluates the success of the creative product in achieving strategic objectives Did we achieve the DAGMAR objective Not effective unless the campaigns direction has been accurately set Research conducted early has the greatest value Ex Tide To Go Research finds a market potential for college students Awareness is low TASK Increase awareness amongst AUDIENCE college students DEGREE by 25 TIME by next year Developmental Research During strategy development Early in the creative process Quick and inexpensive feedback Small sample sizes Awareness Final Pretesting The last checkpoint before investment in the campaign Though the campaign can still be tweaked this stage of

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FSU ADV 3008 - Exam 2 Study Notes

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