UGA ADPR 3100 - Final Exam Study Guide
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APDR 3100 1nd Edition Exam 3 Study Guide Lectures 23 36 Lecture 23 March 28 Discuss Immersive media and real vs virtual places with examples of each Media types Static dynamic immersive o Environments real or virtual o Out of home websites combination o Involvement exploration o Social tie in Real places Apotek hair care products o Key message gives you healthy hair o Concept makes your hair come alive Pepsi Max o Key message Tastes great o Concept Unbelievable Volkswagen o Key message acting responsibly can be fun Ad where they turn staircase into piano so more people want to take the stairs Real places facial profiling Really useful in immersive environment use of webcams that can discern through appearance gender age and if you are smiling or not then respond to the person it sees and what he she is doing Real places games Involves people in a competitive sense Challenge Asics Run With Ryan Virtual places Games Smart phone campaigns Durex iPhone baby o Durex condom ad app on phone that pretends you have a baby cries etc to show what could happen Doritos Snack strong o prepare to take snacking to a higher level Involvement Australia post postal video stamp o Postage stamp with QR code o Video your message linked to QR code Recipient receives package scans QR code to view your video messagePranks virtual places A joke you play on unsuspecting people joke pays off with the key message LG flat screen TVs o Feature sharp clear bright picture o Concept Ex people in elevator and they pretend the floor is falling Ex urinal in mens bathroom they have images of women on the screen looking at them Useful in promoting horror movies lately o Scary baby screaming Real places events Sony Viao P Series Lifestyle PC o Very small light fits into handbag o Powerful 3G wireless GPS Ideal accessory to any fashionable event Marriage T Mobile Its network keeps you in touch Concept life s for sharing Immersive media Not information delivery but involvement o User directed involvement Users can chose how they want to be involved not required to do anything o Do things not just standing around and watching o Allows for exploration o Connects users to the brand and puts the brand in the middle of their regular day to day routine o The point is to experience the message Creative toolbox Media types static dynamic immersive Organizations o Toolbox has different options you can organize ad as pitch story montage or headline visual Technique o Visual metaphor synergy characters plot involvement and exploration o These are the tools creatives have You have to know how to use these tools well Lecture 24 March 31 Discuss the planning and context of campaigns as well as IMC Planning and context Single ads never seen in isolation o Create a number of ads to create a campaign Creative teams have to plan ads with certain contexts in mind Things to keep in mind 1 Other ads for your product service o First context to be mindful of need to be consistent throughout or changing it on purpose throughout be well aware of the existing ads you have already done 2 Ads for your product service in other media o Second 3 Ads for competitors product service o If you want to differentiate your product from them must say something DIFFERENT in a different way can only judge this if you know what they are doing 4 Non advertising media and mentions of your product service o Everywhere product is mentioned outside of ads Ex news stories product reviews TV shows first 3 what you need to keep in mind when planning a campaign all 4 what you need to keep in mind with integrated marketing communication Campaigns Many separate ads o Tough to pull off because you are making a bunch of separate ads not just one or two Need relationship between them o Target market must know they are all related one big effort Similarities visual verbal aural attitudinal o All ads must have these similarities when they do 1 Visual similarity o similar appearance ads appearance should be SIMILAR not identical or it will get boring layout typeface headline body etc style of images ex series of ads similar layout all have a children s toy against white wall 2 Verbal similarity o context key points all the ads should have in general the same content and making in general the same kind of key points not each ad word for word like the next o Voice voice the words are written through the voice needs to be the same 3 Aural similarity o music song if an ad radio internet TV has sound it is very crucial that all the ads have a similar style if not the same song o announcer s voice if there is a voice over should be the same announcer and speaking in the same way o Sound design In general sound design is same how all these choices plus sound effects are put together and mixed to have a similar sound across all these ads 4 Attitudinal similarity o perspective stance toward general perspective in the ads in a whole toward the product the stance that is taken Is this serious Humorous Harder to point to any specific characteristic general overall sense that they are all talking with the same attitude o Brand personality This should be expressed extreme serious Comforting through attitudinal similarity it is expressed very clearly Integrated marketing communications It is a strategic plan to link together all the communication activities IMC recognizes that advertising is only one of many forms of marketing communicating Best way to create effective IMC effort is built from existing story or situation that is relevant to your target market and you build upon that not starting from scratch Figure out core concept of IMC then you extended effort through advertising and other available channels of marketing communication o PR direct response events packing digital promotions sponsorships Dove real beauty Definition of beauty for women limiting and unattainable Campaign ongoing since 20006 o Purpose is to challenge beauty stereotypes in different ways o Invite women into a discussion about beauty Out of home o Talk shows women s magazines main stream news o Series of billboards being talked about in these non advertising media o Earned media value 30 x the value of paid Videos distributed virally o So not putting on TV just YouTube or their site and letting users spread this stuff Gatorade Campaigns and IMC Campaign continuity o Verbal visual aural attitudinal similarity IMC o Built around existing compelling story or situation o Media presence indcluding but beyond

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UGA ADPR 3100 - Final Exam Study Guide

Type: Study Guide
Pages: 44
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