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ADPR 3110 TEST 2 Lecture Notes 9 18 13 Newspapers Supplemental Medium Strengths Newspapers read by 1 5 of adults nationally upscale and older individuals o High reach with older upscale opinion leaders o Desirable target market o Credibility immediacy Weaknesses o Clutter so many ads in newspaper so it s hard to stand out o Declining readership as people s reading and media habits change o After buying decision is made where to buy and how much o Increasing cost of advertising o Challenges from online news aggregators Enhanced Targeting o Nonsubscriber supplements o Free issues delivered to nonsubscribers o Sections and special inserts o Zoned editions Best Uses o Local retail simply buying process Categories Classified Display o Primary Local Businesses o Supplemental for national companies Co OP Cooperative o Partnership o Local merchants Lower costs Magazines 1 ADPR 3110 TEST 2 Reach small frequency okay cost for impression high in cost Supplemental medium Targets adults upscale and older individuals Weaknesses o Cost o Clutter so many ads to compete with would be in December issue o Difficult to reach larger audience segments Strengths o Segmenting Really good at segmenting market o Strong Visuals o High Credibility o Long Life boost reach and frequency per issue o Long lead time Because magazines are composed of many full colored printing ages it takes a long time to produce EX Christmas ads would be submitted NOW to ensure it Seen as most effective medium in providing knowledge and usable ideas Carriers over into how ads are viewed 1 2 see ads as more credible than stories produces effectiveness as a result Almost 2 3 bought the product s advertised o Creative Flexibility Layout many options Use various papers and color Samples of product EX perfume Best Uses o Complete information o Supplemental boost frequency within specific narrow segments Older targeted more affluent segments Rate Structures How often How much o Space wise 2 ADPR 3110 TEST 2 How picky o Inside or not specified Buying Cost and number of readers are not the only considerations for a media planner Effectiveness in reaching your target market is very important Use measure of Cost Efficiency CPM Cost per thousand readers o Compares media with different circulations and ad costs o Lower CM the more cost efficient which makes a better media by o CPM cost of space x 1000 circulation Weighted CPM o Weighted CPM Cost of space x 1000 circulation in your target market Reach GRPs o Percent of total target market o GRP Total GRP of all ads Total target market o How cost effective is your mix of print placement o per GRP Total cost of print space GRPs delivered by print Verification Audit Bureau of Circulations ABC o Verifies circulation Syndicated market research o Readership studies Lecture Notes 9 23 13 Television Beginnings Profile o Frequency pretty good o Cost Very expensive o Potential Reach unbelievable and very high Disadvantages 3 o Audience smaller fragmented meaning very few programs today attracting a broad base ADPR 3110 TEST 2 o Clutter 1 4 ads are 15 sec general market lower income Viewer avoidance o Cost for ads and for time Strengths o High Reach as a medium not per show o 99 of all households o Creative flexibility o Delivers large national markets o Increasingly delivers national niche market Best Uses o National campaigns addressing large markets o Brand message Categories o Network New shows National advertisers buy time from national network Network sends to all network affiliates to show o Spot New shows National or local advertisers Buy from individual local stations shown only on those stations Ratings Audience Units o TV household residence with at least one TV in it o HUT household using television o Extrapolated to infer actual audience size if needed Ratings Size o How many TV households are tuned to this particular show Rating Program s TV households Total TV household x 100 o Of households using television what proportions are tuned to a specific show 4 Share HUT watching a program Total HUT in market x 100 Always your rating points will be lower numerically than your share ADPR 3110 TEST 2 Totals for Single TV Buy o GRPs Rating x number oof sports bought on a particular show o GI Gross Impressions o Cost effectiveness of all buys Persons x number of spots bought on a particular show per DRP total cost of TV buys GRPS delivered by TV buys per GI total cost of TV buys GIs delivered b TV buys Increasing a niche medium o 1950s 1980s there were 3 national broadcasting networks o 1980 s and beyond Cable Satellite networks Program recording Apple iBook campaign o 1999 National Campaign o Television important art of media planning o What kind of market Prime Time Holiday buying Crappy weather Lecture Notes 9 27 13 Digital Media Strengths Initially used in producer led paradigm o Relatively low cost o Engaging o Timely o Segmentation 5 ADPR 3110 TEST 2 Limitations o Uncertainty Scheduling and Buying Segment by Daypart o Content sites not email and search o Largest audience daytime o 18 years olds Evening weekend Market Research Collect data quickly automatically and inexpensively IP address unique I D for every user Data collected from web activity o Page view o Visit Lecture Notes 10 2 13 Creative Research Purpose and Goals Supporting academic areas Methods ant Types Uses High Stakes Millions of revenues for client High cost of TV ads Creative Research Strategic research Studies past and current actions and behaviors o Past and current time frame o Studies things people do o How many people are buying our product today compared to last year o How well does our brand currently fit the target market Creative Research studies current and future effectiveness of advertising o Studies the effectiveness of advertising o Not about brand it has everything to do with advertising 6 o How to make an ad campaign that has maximum appeal to our target market When you re initially developing your creative strategy When you re developing specific ads and developing execution Pretesting executions Once campaign has launched and has been out evaluate campaign and effectiveness Creative research can be done throughout the entire process ADPR 3110 TEST 2 o First step in the creative process o What to say not how to say it Stages in which to use Creative Research Areas of Study A student of people Sociology products you are interested in Psychology Anthropology o VALS personality types o Life cycle notion

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UGA ADPR 3100 - TEST 2

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