lOMoARcPSD 49584862 Scan to open on Studocu Scan to open on Studocu Study guide for 210 readings Gulley Study guide for 210 readings Gulley Behavioral Neuroscience University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Behavioral Neuroscience University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Andrei Galatanu agalatanu4 gmail com lOMoARcPSD 49584862 Study guide for PSYC 210 readings Prof Gulley Ch 2 Anatomy of the Nervous System 1 What is the approximate weight of the adult human brain and what percentage of total body weight does it account for The intact adult brain weighs about 1 5 kg 3 pounds which is barely 2 of total body weight 2 It is es mated that the brain uses approximately what percentage of the body s total energy expenditure Extremely power hungry and uses up about one h of the body s total energy expenditure 3 Myelinated nerve bers axons largely make up the White ma er of the brain whereas Gray ma er is dense with cell bodies and dendrites 4 What is the name of the white ma er ber tract that allows for the passage of informa on between the two hemispheres of the brain Corpus callosum 5 The bumpy outer surface of the cortex that is made up of raised ridges are the gyri singular gyrus whereas the grooved indenta ons are the sulci singular sulcus 6 What are the four major lobes of the cerebral cortex Frontal parietal temporal and occipital 7 What are the names of the regions of the vertebral column Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral 8 Neurons within the enteric nervous system cause the diges ve tract esophagus stomach and intes nes to increase or decrease the rate of diges ve func ons depending on the body s demands 9 The most common type of stroke which occurs when normal blood ow in the brain is interrupted is called a n ischemic strokes stroke 10 A hemorrhagic strokes stroke is caused by the rupturing of a blood vessel in the brain that causes bleeding and an increase in intracranial pressure Ch 3 Cellular Anatomy of the Nervous System 1 Compared to the outside of the cell the inside of most cells has a nega ve electrical charge Downloaded by Andrei Galatanu agalatanu4 gmail com lOMoARcPSD 49584862 2 The res ng membrane poten al of most cells is between 50 mV and 90 mV with the average membrane poten al being 70 mV 3 The crea on of new neurons a process called neurogenesis is very limited in the mature adult nervous system 4 In what two brain areas has neurogenesis been most frequently documented Olfactory system and hippocampus 5 What is plas city The ability for the brain to alter its morphology 6 Ribosomes which are a ached to the Endoplasmic re culum in all cells are the sites where messenger RNA mRNA is translated and coded into proteins 7 The specialized por on of the axon that is located at its junc on with the cell body is the axon 8 What is another name for the axon terminal hillock terminal bouton 9 A specialized region of the axon terminal called the ac ve zone contains a variety of proteins that are important for the process of neurotransmi er release 10 Astrocytes densely express glial brillary acidic protein GFAP which is a protein that scien sts use as a marker for di eren a ng astrocytes from other cell popula ons in the nervous system Ch 4 Electrical Proper es of Neurons 1 Brie y describe the four di erent types of ion channels Leak channels persistently open revolving door that is never locked K LC CI LC ions at equilibrium Voltage gated ion channels sensi ve to the electrical poten al of the surrounding membrane open close depends on the electrical charge of the membrane Ligand gated ion channels open in response to ligands ex neurotransmi ers another name is inotropic receptors Catch all category used by sensory system at need Downloaded by Andrei Galatanu agalatanu4 gmail com lOMoARcPSD 49584862 2 The equilibrium poten al for an ion is the membrane poten al at which there is no net movement of charge because there is the same amount of ions moving into the cell as moving out 3 What is the typical dura on of an ac on poten al 1 2 milliseconds 4 For the average neuron the ac on poten al threshold is around 55 mV 5 Voltage gated Na channels tend to inac vate at membrane poten als above 30 mV 6 What are the two main reasons why the ac on poten al moves only in one direc on from the ac on hillock towards the terminal bouton 1 Sodium ions move down their concentra on gradient and move towards low concentra on ions forward 2 The previous patch of membrane is in the absolute refractory period which makes it impossible for an ac on poten al to travel backwards 7 The pu er sh contains a high concentra on of tetrodotoxin TTX which inhibits the func on of voltage gated sodium channels Ch 5 Signaling Between Neurons 1 What are the two types of vesicles and what di eren ates them small vesicles 40 nanometers store most neurotransmi ers glutamate GABA dopamine norepinephrine exclusively in axon terminals large dense core vesicles 100 250 nanometers store pep des dynorphin enkephalin in cell bodies along axons axon terminal 2 What are the three places in the axon terminal where synap c vesicles can be found Readily releasable pool RRP recycling pool reserve pool 3 Because vesicular transporters pump molecules of neurotransmi er against their concentra on gradients they require a high intravesicular concentra on of H to have enough energy to move molecules of neurotransmi er across the vesicular membrane 4 Botulinum toxin selec vely cleaves vesicular fusion proteins preven ng acetylcholine from being released at the neuromuscular junc on NMJ and leading to muscle paralysis Downloaded by Andrei Galatanu agalatanu4 gmail com lOMoARcPSD 49584862 5 Vesicle fusion at the axon terminal can be described as Full fusion which leads to release of all the neurotransmi er in a vesicle or as kiss and run which leads to only a por on of the total neurotransmi er in a vesicle being released 6 Receptors that are located presynap cally and are responsive to the neurotransmi er released from the presynap c cell are called autoreceptors 7 The neurotransmi er GABA is synthesized from glutamate via the enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase GAD 8 The two midbrain nuclei where dopamine projec on neurons originate are the ventral tegmental area and the substan a nigra 9 nitric oxide serves a neurotransmi er func on but it is unique from the classic chemical
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