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ATM OCN 100 Homework 2 Due Friday September 13 2024 1 The graph to the right shows a vertical profile of Name Student Number temperature from Boulder CO taken from an ozonesonde like a radiosonde but it goes higher and measures ozone The red curve is the actual temperature and the black curve is the average temperature for this time of year You can access these plots at https gml noaa gov ozwv ozsondes if you would like to see more a Label the surface the troposphere the tropopause and the stratosphere in the sounding b Calculate the tropospheric lapse rate in the layer between 5km and 10km Remember the lapse rate G is latexit sha1 base64 H1yLHD0m4 T962AKuZLGFlZQ1vU AAACH3icbVBNS8NAEJ3Ur1q ol4EL4tF8NKSiKgXoehBjwqtFZpQNtuNLt1Nwu5GaEP iRf ihcPiog3 43btAdtfbDsmzczzMwLEs6UdpxvqzQ3v7C4VF6urKyurW Ym1u3Kk4loS0S81jeBVhRziLa0kxzepdIikXAaTvoX4zy7UcqFYujph4k1Bf4PmIhI1gbqWsfe5dYCIzOUM1FnmaCKuSFEpOs2c2aOaoh85 neTachMMi7NpVp 4UQLPEnZBqYwcKXHftL68Xk1TQSBOOleq4TqL9DEvNCKd5xUsVTTDp43vaMTTCZhE K 7L0b5ReiiMpXmRRoX6uyPDQqmBCEylwPpBTedG4n 5TqrDUz9jUZJqGpHxoDDlSMdoZBbqMUmJ5gNDMJHM7IrIAzbuaGNpxZjgTp88S24P6 5x ejmqNo4H7sBZdiFPTgAF06gAVdwDS0g8AQv8Abv1rP1an1Yn PSkjXp2YY sL5 ABu oeY latexit 1 TT TB zT zB where TT and TB are the temperatures at the top and bottom of the layer respectively and zT and zB are the heights of the top and bottom of the layer respectively m k l e v e l a e s e v o b a t i h g e H c Now visit the ozonesonde page for Amundsen Scott South Pole station at https gml noaa gov dv iadv graph php code SPO program ozwv type vp Select the date 01 September 2021 and record the measured ozone at 18km Repeat this for 01 October 2021 01 Sep 2021 Briefly explain why ozone levels drop so rapidly between early September and early October 01 Oct 2021 2 You go for a hike up Mt Rainier in Washington State grumbling the whole way about the Washington Huskies joining the Big 10 At the top at 14 412ft above sea level your barometer reads 600mb a What fraction of the atmospheric mass approximately lies between sea level and the height at the top of Mt Rainier for now assume pressure at sea level is 1000mb b You descend to a height of 7 206ft above sea level exactly halfway between sea level and the top of Mt Rainier Does your barometer have a pressure reading larger or smaller than 800mb Explain why it does not read exactly 800mb 3 The Venusian atmosphere is much more dense than our atmosphere and contains about 96 5 Carbon Dioxide and 3 5 Nitrogen plus a number of gasses that occur in very small concentrations a Knowing that Venus does not have active plate tectonics and that it lost all its water early in its planetary history explain why Venus s carbon dioxide concentration is so high b Explain why Oxygen is not a major component of the Venusian atmosphere but is a major component of Earth s atmosphere 4 Some people have argued that carbon dioxide levels have fluctuated wildly in our planet s past so we should not be worried about the recent increase in carbon dioxide While it is true that carbon dioxide has fluctuated let s estimate the rates at which that has occurred a The total amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has increased by about 1055Gt since 1850 Assume that 60 of the total emitted carbon dioxide is absorbed by land and the ocean How much carbon dioxide has been emitted in Gt in total since 1850 b Estimate the emission rate in Gt per year of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere since 1850 Ice cores show that at the end of the last ice age carbon dioxide rose as much as 120Gt in about 100 years Estimate the rate in Gt per year of carbon dioxide increase over that time period In the distant past carbon dioxide was a major component of Earth s atmosphere Let s assume an entire atmosphere of carbon dioxide about 5 000 000Gt That s a massive amount of CO2 The atmosphere lost approximately all that CO2 in about a billion years Estimate the rate of loss of carbon dioxide in Gt per year over that time period e Based on results from parts b c and d explain why past rates of carbon dioxide increase are not good analogies for the present day rate of change of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere c d 5 Take a picture this week that includes a physical chemical or biological process that we discussed in class over the last week Describe the process and its relevance to the atmosphere Add the picture and description to the next page Bonus Question not graded this is just for fun Lake Mendota is fed mainly by Pheasant Branch Creek Dorn Creek Sixmile Creek and the Yahara River to the north and drained through the Isthmus by the Yahara River to the south The streamflow is measured by the USGS in cubic feet per second ft3 s you can access that here https dashboard waterdata usgs gov On Sunday morning the combined inflow to Lake Mendota was about 176 ft3 s and the outflow was 121 ft3 s If these flows persist by how much would the lake level rise in a week The area of Lake Mendota is 425 million ft2 Picture and Explanation from problem 5

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