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Animation Techniques and Styles Presented by Abigail Atiwag Traditional Animation Hand Drawn Animation This technique involves creating each frame of animation by hand usually using pencils and paper Artists draw characters backgrounds and other elements frame by frame to create the illusion of motion Cel Animation In cel animation artists draw characters and objects on transparent celluloid sheets cels and layer them over static backgrounds This technique allows for more efficient production and reuse of elements Frame by Frame Animation Also known as classical animation frame by frame animation involves drawing each frame individually to create smooth and fluid motion This technique requires meticulous attention to detail but can result in highly expressive and lifelike animations Techniques in Classic Animated Films Classic animated films such as those produced by Disney during the Golden Age of Animation employed a range of techniques like squash and stretch anticipation follow through and overlapping action to create dynamic and engaging character animations Stop Motion Animation Claymation Claymation also known as clay animation involves using malleable materials like clay to create characters and animate them through stop motion techniques Artists sculpt and manipulate the clay figures frame by frame to achieve movement Puppet Animation Puppet animation uses articulated puppets or figures with movable joints Puppeteers manipulate these figures in small increments between frames to create motion Object Animation Object animation involves animating inanimate objects such as toys household items or food products Artists move and manipulate these objects to tell stories or create visual effects Techniques in Stop Motion Films Stop motion films like Wallace and Gromit and Coraline utilize techniques such as replacement animation swapping out parts of a character for different expressions or actions wire rigging supporting characters with hidden wires and miniature sets for detailed environments Computer Generated Imagery CGI 3D Animation CGI allows artists to create three dimensional models and environments digitally Techniques in 3D animation include modeling creating 3D objects texturing adding surface details rigging adding a digital skeleton for movement and rendering generating final images or sequences Computer Animation Software Popular software tools for CGI animation include Autodesk Maya Blender Cinema 4D and 3ds Max These programs offer a range of features for modeling animation lighting and special effects Motion Capture MoCap In CGI motion capture involves recording the movements of actors or objects using sensors and then applying that motion data to digital characters or models enhancing realism and natural movement Motion Graphics Animated Graphics Motion graphics involve animating graphic elements such as logos icons and illustrations Animators use software like Adobe After Effects to create dynamic and visually engaging graphics Kinetic Typography Kinetic typography animates text making it move transform and interact with other elements This technique is commonly used in title sequences promotional videos and multimedia presentations Infographic Animation Infographic animation brings data and information to life through animated charts graphs and visual representations It combines storytelling with data visualization to communicate complex ideas effectively Visual Effects in Animation Motion graphics are also used extensively for adding visual effects to animated scenes including particle effects compositing color grading and post production enhancements These animation techniques and styles continue to evolve with advancements in technology software tools and artistic innovation shaping the diverse landscape of animation in film television advertising and digital media THANK YOU

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SLU CMM 206 - Animation Techniques and Styles

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