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HIS 2040 Winter 2016 Changing Politics Britain and the Colonies from the 17th to the 18th Centuries Key Questions How did the British government actually govern the colonies What were the effects of mercantilism in America How autonomous were American colonists What is meant by benign neglect Key Terms Benign Neglect Glorious Revolution Dominion of New England Populism Absolutism Assemblies Benign Neglect and Colonial Autonomy Strength of the Assemblies System of Patronage Lord Cornbury and American Protest Land Riots Advantages of Mercantilism Stability European Claims in North America 1750 and 1763 As a result of the British victory in the Seven Years War the map of colonial claims in North America was fundamentally transformed

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ACPHS HIS 2040 - Changing Politics: Britain and the Colonies from the 17th to the 18th Centuries

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