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HIS 2040 Winter 2016 The Colonies in an Expanding Atlantic World An Atlantic World The Atlantic World Context of Early America Trans Atlantic Crossings News and Information Goods and Trade the Economy of Early America Migration and the Growth of American Colonies Diversity and Prosperity in the 18th Century Colonies Early America Points East Mercantilism Navigation Acts 1650 1673 Enumerated Goods Tariffs and Restrictions NAVIGATION ACTS 1650 1673 THREE MAIN PRINCIPLES ONLY ENGLISH SHIPS COULD ENGAGE IN COLONIAL TRADE SOME GOODS ENUMERATED GOODS COULD ONLY BE SOLD TO THE MOTHER COUNTRY WOOL SUGAR TOBACCO INDIGO RICE NAVAL STORES ALL FOREIGN GOODS TO AMERICA HAD TO BE SHIPPED BY WAY OF ENGLAND PAYING DUTIES IN ENGLAND Triangular Trade Across the Atlantic The pattern of commerce among Europe Africa and the Americas became known as the Triangular Trade Sailors called the voyage of slave ships from Africa to America the Middle Passage because it formed the crucial middle section of this trading triangle Prosperity in Early America GDP rises Per Capita income rises to 13 English Pounds Access to Land Nutrition Reality of Poverty Consumer Revolution From Competency to Consumption Gentility Refinement of America Credit 18th Century Immigration English Scots Germans Towards Pluralism Pluralism in Pennsylvania William Penn 1681 Brotherly Love Immigration Quaker Minority Walking Purchase 1737

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ACPHS HIS 2040 - The Colonies in an Expanding Atlantic World

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