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HIS 2040 Winter 2016 French Dutch and British Colonial Ventures Key Questions How do the American colonies created by France the Dutch and England compare and contrast What extractive resource was each colonial project based on and how did this help shape the colony How did these colonies differ in their approaches to Native Americans How were these colonial projects organized Who owned land Who did the work What were the challenges faced by early Virginia New France Extractive Resource Furs Mutual dependency with Indians Algonquian allies Iroquois enemies Fur trade encourages Western expansion Frontier of inclusion Low population and thin settlement Extensive not intensive Colonial style New Netherland Formation of Dutch West India Company Dutch Commercial and Banking development Expansion into the Atlantic world Dutch Golden Age Fur trade at Albany Patroons on the Hudson River Social Diversity at Manhattan Violence with Algonquians Declining interest from Investors The Beginnings of Virginia House of Tudor Wars of Religion in England From Sea Dogs to Joint Stock Companies Roanoke Indian Hostility and Thomas Harriot 1580s Virginia Company Important Themes Competing colonial styles Spanish Dutch French English Indian Relations Frontiers of Exclusion and Frontiers of Inclusion

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