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HIS 2040 Winter 2016 The Great Awakening and the Changing Cultures of the Colonies Some Unexpected Outcomes of Colonial Life Crisis of Hierarchy Social Hierarchy Elites Religious Hierarchy Ministers and Churches Religious Diversity Mobility Efforts to Make Hierarchy Sumptuary Laws Concept of Deference Consumer Revolution and Gentility Display and Consumption Refinement of America 1700s Display of Wealth Imitate English Elites Elite Culture John Singleton Copley painter Benjamin West painter Status Conscious Crisis of Religious Order 1700s Diversity Half Way Convenent Lack of Enthusiasm Waning influence of Ministers Rationalism not emotionalism Revivals Northampton MA Solomon Stoddard Emotional Preaching Awakening and New Birth Jonathan Edwards Great Awakening Jonathan Edwards William Tennent George Whitefield Ecumenical Emotional Anti authority Great Awakening and Authority Old Lights and New Lights Experimental Religion Separates and Baptists Baptists and Slaves Keywords Jonathan Edwards Sumptuary Laws 1692 Salem Half Way Covenant George Whitefield

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ACPHS HIS 2040 - The Great Awakening and the Changing Cultures of the Colonies

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