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Carbohydrates Assignment 65 points Fall 2023 1 Simple carbohydrates Complex carbohydrates are the two main categories of carbohydrates 2 pts 2 Total fiber is calculated using Dietary fiber and Functional fiber 2 pts 3 Correctly identify which disaccharide each monosaccharide pair makes 3 pts Glucose Fructose Sucrose Galactose Glucose Lactose Glucose Glucose Maltose 4 True or False Monosaccharides are two sugar molecules linked together 2 pts 5 Classify the following carbohydrates as either simple or complex 7 pts Complex or Simple Carbohydrate Fructose Polysaccharides Disaccharide Starch Galactose Lactose Fiber Simple Complex Simple Complex Simple Simple Complex 6 Complex carbohydrates are also known as Polysaccharides 2 pts 7 True or False Soluble fiber moves more rapidly through the GI tract due to its laxative effect 2 pts 8 Order the steps of carbohydrate digestion 1 4 4 pts 4 Fiber continues to the large intestine where some is metabolized by bacteria in the colon and the majority eliminated in your stool 1 Saliva contains amylase enzyme which starts breaking down amylose and amylopectin into smaller starch units and maltose 3 Maltose and other disaccharides are broken down to monosaccharides and absorbed into blood 2 In small intestine pancreatic amylase breaks down remaining starch into maltose 9 Which hormone is released by the pancreas in response to decreasing blood glucose levels 4 pts a insulin b glucagon c epinephrine d progesterone e None of the above 10 People with a deficiency of the enzyme lactase cannot digest Lactase properly 4 pts 11 True or False Without glucose fat can t be broken down completely and acidic ketone bodies are produced 2 pts 12 What hormone is released when blood glucose begins to rise Insulin 2 pts This signals the body to initiate Glucose uptake the conversion of glucose into glycogen in the liver and muscle cells 4 pts 13 According to the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans less than 10 of total daily calories should be from added sugars 2 pts 14 When in starvation what is the first macronutrient the body uses for energy 3 pts A Carbohydrates B Protein C Fat 130 grams 15 What is the DRI g of carbohydrates for brain function 2 pts 16 Which nutrient has been shown to reduce incidence of constipation diverticulosis heart disease obesity diabetes mellitus and certain cancers 3 pts A fiber B sugar substitutes C carbohydrate substitutes D carbon nutrients A sugars B sugar alcohols polyols C alcohol sugars D calorie free sweeteners 17 Sorbitol Mannitol and Xylitol are examples of 3 pts 18 What are the two forms of diabetes and which is an autoimmune disease Type 1 Type 2 3 pts According to the lecture how is diabetes treated and controlled Blood glucose control Nutrition and lifestyle goals 3 pts Identify 2 complications of uncontrolled diabetes Diabetic retinopathy and Diabetic Neuropathy 2 pts 19 What are the 3 parts of a grain The Bran Endosperm Germ 3 pts Name an example of a whole grain Brown Rice 1 pt

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GSU NUTR 3100 - Carbohydrates Assignment Answers

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