CCJ 4663 Women Crime and Justice Exam 2 Review Intimate Partner Abuse Stalking Part One Historical Background Battered Women s Movements 1970s o Shelters and counseling programs developed need for programs exceeded available ones o Police begin receiving training about domestic violence calls for service No arrest policies Officers as peace makers During 70s domestic issues were viewed as private and only between husband and wife Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment MDVE Sherman Burke o For misdemeanor domestic violence incidents Arresting aggressor significantly lower recidivism rates Counseling aggressor sending assailant away deterring higher recidivism rates Counseling led to higher recidivism because the offender could return back to the scene o Many tried to replicate but couldn t get the same results Found that arresting lead to higher rates of aggression Problems of different policing tactics in different jurisdictions Different methods of prosecutors in court 1980s state and non profit task forces assemble to discuss issues of IPA 1994 Violence Against Women Act VAWA part of federal Crime Victims Act o Provided funding for shelters and outreach education o Training for police and court personnel o Provide victims with ability to sue offender in civil court if they felt criminal court didn t prosecute to highest extent 1995 Office of Violence Against Women OVW created within the Department of Justice DOJ o Administered grants o Goals learn about research provide intervention programs Defining Identifying IPA Several terms used to identify violent acts but have narrow scope o Wife battering focus only on wives those in marriage no exes or o Domestic violence combines other abuse child elder not just the wife can occur among those in intimate relationship not just spousal Center for Disease Control CDC o IPA physical sexual or psychological harm by current or former partner or National Violence Against Women Survey NVAWS o IPA includes cases of rape sexual assault physical assault and stalking girlfriends spouse behaviors 1 CCJ 4663 Women Crime and Justice Exam 2 Review Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS o IPA includes homicides and robberies involving intimates According to NCVS IPA has decline dover past 12 years but still remains high o Prosecutors often charge with simple assault instead only gives offender less than a year in jail Four Categories of IPA Women Sex and the Law Tong 84 1 Physical abuse slapping hitting kicking burning shooting stabbing or any other form of nonsexual physical violence 2 Sexual abuse sexual nature to the abuse or rape 3 Psychological abuse offender threatens demeans or discredits victim many women report this to be most damaging 4 Destruction of woman s property and pets burning valuable items of clothing injuring killing pets o Commonalities a Demonstrates he finds her things worthless like her b Tries to show she is breakable like her belongings To harm the victim Attempt to control or dominate Abuse in intimate relationship Intimate Partner Abuse Stalking Part Two Intimate Partner Abuse Statistics NCVS data suggests that cases of IPA have declined over past 12 years Majority of cases men as aggressor and woman as victim 85 1 3 million women are physically victimized each year State laws across US o Most crimes of domestic violence are considered a misdemeanor offense o Most times prosecutors charge offenders with crime of simple assault 77 9 even for repeat offenders of cases Victims of Intimate Partner Abuse Same Sex IPA o NCVS 3 females experienced IPA were victimized by women 16 males experienced IPA were victimized by men o Female Same Sex Intimate Partner Violence FSSIPV Women face many of the same risk factors of violence Homophobia and discrimination as risk factors for these women Gender role stereotyping o African American women at increased risk to be victimized in IPA cases o Race and ethnicity dictate how victims deal with abuse perpetrated by intimate partner Effects of Race Ethnicity 2 CCJ 4663 Women Crime and Justice Exam 2 Review o African American women more likely to use emergency services police assistance and housing assistance when compared to Caucasians and Latinas a Tense perpetrator bringing tension home from work and taking out on Walker s Cycle of Violence Theory 1979 1 Tension building calm before the storm victim 2 Abusive incident a Slapping shaking most sexual violence b Very intense short period of time 3 Honeymoon period a Offender apologizes for actions try to make everything better b It won t happen again 4 Cycle repeats Walker s Battered Woman Syndrome Explanation of consequences of IPA for victims Introduced as evidence to explain why women kill batterers o Helps jury understand why this instance occurred Juries show little sympathy for women who kill their abusers o Several states have clemency projects Provides info definitions Advice for attorneys Shows past court rulings and results Interpersonal Violence Against Women Schwartz and DeKeseredy Looking in context of family think both men and women DeKeseredy previously examined rural communities of Ohio to see disparities in o Women often didn t because no shelters relation to law enforcement small reporting community Programing Attention and money o Awareness Male Peer support groups o Many college campuses have this now extending beyond Violence Against Women as cause of crime o Looking at the criminal act itself Solving Problems o Getting men more involved in helping with this issue Barriers to Women Leaving Relationships Safety o Safety of her children herself o Greater risk of violence if she leaves violence doesn t end o Usually try to leave 7 8 times before successful 3 CCJ 4663 Women Crime and Justice Exam 2 Review Housing o Can leave but where would she go nowhere to run to o Often not a viable option no money resources because offender in charge of those Financial Limitations Children o Often financially dependent on offender o Puts at greater risk of abuse o Additionally family and friends o Often justify because they want child to have a father Churches Community Pressure whyistayed whyileft o Depends on belief may be told to stay and work on relationship o Some communities have greater belief that families should stay together o Separating not an option no matter circumstances o activism o Helped create awareness and get other organizations involved o whyistayed Scared he was going to kill me Wanted kids to have father Because I
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