UGA ADPR 3100 - International/Multicultural
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ADPR 3100 1st Edition Lecture 25 Outline of Last Lecture I Challenging the Agency Outline of Current Lecture International Multicultural International issues o Imperialism colonialism o Freedom v appropriateness Multicultural issues o Immigration migration o Stereotypes Current Lecture International issues Clear connection between having an advertising industry in a capitalism and consumer society Expand to international advertising in capitalism and consumer society Not even playing field certain numbers of agencies and countries that have the resources to globally advertise vast majority do not Where did this imbalance come from o Intervention Imperialism One country tries to expand its empire by expanding its boarders into other areas Absorb economically Colonialism Strong countries absorb other places economically AND politically By mid 1750s a lot of countries involved in colonizing the Americas from other countries by 1914 85 of earth s land surface were direct colonies of other countries These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Benefits to colonizer o Greater wealth If you were a country who could establish colonies Cheap raw materials and labor in other parts of the world that you could extract If you could extract that stuff and sell greater profits o Political power If you had colonies in other areas of the world you could establish troops there and have greater ability to exert political power in these far areas of the world Changes due to colonialism o Important to recognize the changes that happened in society in the areas that became colonies o Pre colony Home based production made it all themselves Extended family people lived with uncles grandparents etc Village Barter economy traded to get what you needed o Post colony Industry based production factories arised assembly Single adult nuclear family Region nation couldn t make a living in the village o Establish capitalism and a consumer society We see the creation of a market society and a consumer society later on only with the emergence of a consumer society that advertising makes any sense so advertising along with these changes in these former colonies you see advertising start to appear Material disparities o By mid 1950s many countries divest empires got out of the colony business o Reasons Altruism People realized it wasn t right and gain all the benefit not moral Self serving Became clear the imbalances created through colony process remained the same and the wealthy countries benefited o Material disparities persist Economic colonialism Indigenous corruption taking money What are the imbalances today o In the bottom 2 3 of world population controls 4 2 of the worlds wealth o Top 5 control 36 of the wealth in the world Globalization o 2000s Stagnation of the West o acceleration of the East Japan south Korea China Singapore Freedom o Debate has 2 sides but they aren t opposites debate about global advertising o One advocates FREEDOM Position is advertisers should be free to make and distribute any kind of message anywhere in the world No limit on commercial messages Position taken by the advertisers Appropriateness o The other position of the debate not opposite though o Appropriateness Position taken by a variety of local groups and organizations regarding their own country Claim is not that there shouldn t be freedom but that we should have some kind of say of the advertising done in our own country Problem with not having a say Nestle and infant formula Targeting mothers and health workers Claim that formula protects babies But children were more likely to become sick from it reasons why because this product did not fit the target market in the areas it was marketed in not everyone had access to fresh clean water and if you are mixing formula with it not healthy also it was being marketed to poor target markets tendency to undermix the formula with the water World Health Assembly 1981 prohibits idealized text and images on labels limits to scientific and factual information to health workers who then advise parents Improvements to breast feeding could save 1 5 million children per year UNICEF o Freedom rationalism On one hand position of freedom no regulation this position takes rationalist point of view making a claim for freedom because everyone is smart enough to know what is appropriate and good and left alone to make their own decisions o Appropriateness Culturalism Claim coming from Culturalism point of view how pressures work and people make choices based on pressures at work on them o problem that these don t have any basis to talk to each other these sides are talking past each other no basis to come to the same table and agreement so what we have today is this situation debate with no resolution BECAUSE they are talking past each other working from different directions Multicultural issues Nation composed of many different types of people Migration o People moving between countries all the time always had multicultural societies Multicultural societies Diasporas o Community of particular peoples that is existing in a country not of its origin Colonial America o People from all over ranging from Europe Africa etc Diasporas in the US Today Stereotypes o Problem in advertising that multicultural gets o Stereotype is a short hand symbol for another social group o Effect Behaviorism stereotypes causes people to think a certain way Rationalism stereotype has no effect Culturalism stereotypes aren t lies they just narrow the range of how you think about people The most accurate one o Easy for advertisers not to use stereotypes it is a choice for advertisers they can easily not use them Key points Real world reasons for these issues of international and multicultural advertising Imperialism and colonialism have created these issues in advertising Culturalism offers more insights than either of these

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UGA ADPR 3100 - International/Multicultural

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 5
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