United by the religion of Islam o Evidenced in performance of pilgramage to mecca Islam means submission to the will of God The children of Abraham o Jews christians and Muslims o Origins of Islam traced through son Ishmael o Animal sacrifice relates to willingness to sacrifice his son God of Jews Christians Muslims are same o He is Jahweh in Judaism o Theos Greek o Deos Latin o Allah Arabic o El Elohim in Hebrew Similarities 1 monotheistic prophets scripture Muhammed o Started preaching of one God equality among slaves masters and poor rich denounced usury message o As a result the Meccans became enemies of Muhammed and told him to give up his o When the Meccans started giving troubles to early believers and Muhammed he left Mecca and went to Medina where Jews and Christians used to reside o He immigrated in year 622 AD This is year muslims start their calendar year one Hijra o Muhammed conquered Mecca in 630 AD Died in 632 at the age of 62 o Muhammed never had formal schooling Qur an o Arabic word meaning recitation or that which is going to be recited o Written in poetic language thus Quranic language is still the modal exemplary style for great writers poets in Arabic language o Assembled after the death of the prophet Muhammed during time of third caliph leader of the Muslim nation whose name is Uthman o There are 114 Suras chapters o Suras arranged according to length Two kinds of Suras Meccan Suras o Deal with the basics of Islam God is one there is but one God Allah and Muhammed is his prophet The day of judgement o Five pillars of islam Profession of faith shahada Prayers salat Face mecca recite bow Fasting in the month of Ramdan saum Almsgiving or charity zakat Pilgrimage hajj Kabah large black stone in Mecca Medinan Suras o These deal with ethical social and political aspects of Islam Laws regarding marriage and divorce Laws regarding inheritance Constrains on slavery Restrictions on drinking Politically Muslim society ruled according to guidance provided in Qur an Sharia o Means Islamic law or Islamic jurisprudence o Muslims should follow the Islamic law in conduct of life o Sources of Islamic Law Qur an Primary source Hadith tradition It is defined as what the prophet Muhammad said did Sunna and approved or disapproved of Ijma Qiyas General consensus of people 3 generations after death of prophet Muhammed Deduction or logical inference by analogical reasoning Sunni and Shi ite sects o 85 Sunnis o 15 Shi its o Both believe in same basics of Islam o Main differences are political historical concerning Imam leader of the Muslim Nation o 4 Imams or Caliphs who succeeded Muhammed after death were accepted by majority of Muslims who were sunnites Abu Bakr Omar Uthman Ali o Some believed Ali should have succeeded Muhammed first these are Shi ites Ali was a blood relative of Muhammed o Shi ite Shias Imam must be blood relative of Muhammed o Sunnites Sunnis Any muslims who is pious man of knowledge and capable of governing can become leader of nation
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