REL2300 B001 July 3rd Overview Exam I 1 Origin of the world Hindu Sindu 2 How would you define Hinduism 3 How does one become Hindu One must be born Hindu 4 What is Varna Skin color Way of life how they think live pray worship perform rituals and follow customs 5 What is the meaning of the word Veda Give the name of four Vedas and describe their contents Knowledge Rig Veda praise of Gods Yajur Veda how to perform rituals Sama Veda appropriate music to be chanted Atharva Veda spells against demons and protection from sickness and 6 How many hymns are there in Rig Veda snakes 1028 7 Why cow is considered sacred Because it sustains you can t kill living things it s your mother Professor s cow Nandi 8 What is Ahinsa Respect for life 9 What is the meaning of the word Upanishad How many Upanishads are there Sit under a tree with Guru Swami and Sashu 128 10 Who are the following Gods and what are their functions Indra god of Rain live in Himalaya like Greek God Zeus Agni god of Fire most cherished loved by female every ritual and sacrifice is completed by Agni Brahman highest god eternal and infinite never die changing creator Vishnu preserver Shiva destroyer Rudra god of wind his son is Marut storms Lakhshmi female goddess goddess of prosperity intelligence lotus goddess Varuna natural power and order Soma god of Drink 11 Describe four castes and their functions Brahmin Priestly class religious authority Chaitrya Rulers kings defend country Vaishya tradesmen farmers serve people Shudras manual laborers also include Parayas untouchable Chandlas illegitimate children 12 What is Trimurti Three gods Brahma Vishnu Shiva 13 What are the following Karma doing good deeds without expecting rewards Dharma physical and moral order created by Brahman Atman eternal with Brahman Moksha highest goal of life becoming one with Brahman Nirvana blow your mind Yoga union with God 14 Describe three yogas Karma Yoga doing good deeds without expecting rewards Jhana Yoga knowing Brahman as different from Maya Bhakti Yoga concentration only on Brahman becoming indifferent to life 15 Meaning of the word Bhagvat Gita Songs of God 16 Who is Arjuna Who is Krishna Arjuna prince Chatriya caste from family of Pandavas Krishna reincarnation of Vishnu 17 How many chapters are there in Bhagvat Gita What is Mahabharta 18 chapters largest epic ever written BUDDHISM 18 How does one become Buddhist The Three Jewels I take refuge in Buddha Dharma Sanga The Eightfold Path Middle Path right understanding intention speech action work effort meditation and contemplation joining Sanga monkish life 19 When was Buddha born and which caste Born in 560 B C in the second caste chatriyas in Nepal 20 How did Buddha die Food poisoning at 80 21 Describe two legends regarding his birth 1 Buddha walked seven steps when he was born symbolizing birth was his seventh and final birth 2 Mother saw dream of white elephant walking into her womb decided Buddha would become a great king or great teacher 22 Describe Four Noble Truths 1 Life existing is suffering 2 Suffering is caused by desire 3 Desire must be overcome 4 Desire is overcome by joining monastic life 23 What is the literal meaning of the word nirvana Emptiness blow your mind 24 What are the main differences between Hinduism and Buddhism Hinduism has too many gods too many rituals too much focus on castes too much emphasis of sacrifices 25 What are the common elements between Hinduism and Buddhism Karma Reincarnation Ahinsa Nirvana moksha 26 What is Pitaka and why they are called Pitakas Basket containing teachings of Buddha 27 Describe the main contents of three Pitakas Sutta Pitaka says of Buddha Vinaya Pitaka describes the rules and regulations from monastic life Abhidhamma Pitaka contains metaphysical and philosophical doctrines 28 Give the names of three Buddhist sects Hinayana Mahayana and Vajryana 29 Describe the main difference between the Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism Hinayana smaller vehicle Theravada Nirvana by joining Sanga Mahayana greater vehicle Not need Sanga order for Nirvana helping monastic order others in Sanga 30 How would you describe Vajrayana Buddhism Diamond Vehicle employs esoteric practices such as chants and rituals to gain supernatural powers found blending with Tibetan Buddhism and believes that Lamas are incarnations of the previous Lamas 31 What is the goal of Hindu life and what is the goal of Buddhist life Hindu achieve Moksha one with Brahman Buddhist achieve Nirvana
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