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I Foreign Policy New activism 11 03 2013 Spanish American War War between US and Spain fought on Cuba Cuba was a Spanish colony McKinley as president o The Cuban people started a revolution to throw off Spanish colonial rule o The Cuban revolutionaries start to win and the Spanish start a brutal crackdown to change the tide Start capturing people and putting them in concentration camps o The American press was playing up Spanish atrocities American businesses are losing money because of this revolution o The president sends a symbolic gesture by sending a battleship The Maine to Cuba to show that they are watching and are a major military power The battleship is blown up killing 266 US sailors Almost immediately the blame goes to Spain They want to get the Spanish out of Cuba Send in Our causalities are 460 and 5000 perish from disease 300 000 troops Splendid Little War Give Cuba to Cubans but they can only sign treaties with America we get Guantanamo Bay for port US gets Guam Puerto Rico and Phillipines o Monroe Doctrine The United States government acknowledged the sovereignty of independent nations in the Americas and declared the Americas closed to future colonization The policy further stated that the United States would not be a party to European conflicts Theo Roosevelt added corollary to the Monroe Doctrine stating that if Latin American countries are not running themselves properly the US can step in and fix them Philippine War 1899 1902 jungles of the Philippines There are 4000 dead American soldiers The Americans of course prevail and we keep the Philippines is made up of guerrilla warfare in the Open door Policy Secretary of State John Hay first articulated the concept of the Open Door in China in 1899 These Open Door Notes aimed to secure international agreement to the U S policy of promoting equal opportunity for international trade and commerce in China and respect for China s administrative and territorial integrity o There is a rebellion in China because they feel like there is an invasion in China because so many people are coming from other countries This is called the Boxer Rebellion II Progressivism Stood for democracy efficiency anti trust regulation social justice Political Reform and social activism Growing Governmental power Attacking corruoption and regulating big businesses and hazardous workplaces Conservation of Natural Resources Prohibition and Women s suffrage Passage of a federalincome tax National Banking System Direct Primary Taylorism reducing waste and promoting efficiency in the workplace Jane Addams first woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize Social Gospel Gladden Christian values should govern the workplace with worker and employer serving each other s interest Settlement houses Roosevelt Coal strike of 1902 United mine workers walked off the job in West Square Deal More rigorous enforcement of existing anti trust laws and stricter controls on big business Did not want to shut down big business merely wanted it to be regulated Virgiana Wanted wage increase reduced daily hours and union recognition Roosevelt arbitrated between mine owner and workers He threatened to militarize the mine Miners got a shorter work day and a 10 wage increase freight charges to their favored customers Hepburn Act for railroads Gave the ICC the power to set maximum freight rates Made it illegal for railroads to take secret rebates on Elkins Act Upton Sinclair s The Jungle caught Roosevelt s attention He passed the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act Yellowstone Wyoming First national park John Muir preservation for nature s sake The Ballinger Pinchot Affair split the Republican Party President Theodore Roosevelt s handpicked successor William Howard Taft seemingly broke with his predecessor over conservation The head of the Forest Service Gifford Pinchot launched scathing attacks on Taft s Secretary of the Interior Richard Ballinger Pinchot believed the secretary opposed conservation and brought forth charges of questionable actions and potentially inappropriate ties between big business and Ballinger In the end President Taft sided with Ballinger fired Pinchot and alienated himself from Theodore Roosevelt Taft and Ballinger questioned whether the federal government could legally conserve land without congressional approval Taft Roosevelt hand picked Taft to be his successor Small third party candidate Eugene Debbs Socialist received a substantial part of the votes Taft preferred a lower tariff New Nationalism Roosevelt began campaigning against Taft because they differed on a few ideas His campaign included wanting more stringent regulation of huge corporations a progressive income tax laws limiting child labor and a Square deal for the poor man BULL MOOSE PROGRESSIVISM Woodrow Wilson Democratic Nominee New Freedom Focused on restoring competition not regulating big business Wanted to break up all monopolies 11 03 2013 11 03 2013

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