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HIST 2057 The American West and the Rise of Populism 1870s 1890s Settlement and development took place in a specific context People already lived in western territories and states Hispanic populations in Texas and in southwest Lost 35 million acres of land to government Tried to resist encroachment Litigation or violence Lost farm lands to speculators ranchers Became seasonal farm workers Native americans also lived in West Length of time in West varied Some had settled centuries earlier Some had been relocated by force in antebellum period Societies in west varied in complexity Most had subsistence economies live off land not make profit Depended heavily on resources in nature Environment limited how large Northwest Utah Nevada Stabile and complex depended on salmon Smaller communities limited food supplies Other parts of southwest pueblos Larger and more complex relied on irrigation Great Plains Lakota Sioux Relied on horses and buffalo Societies emphasize community over individual 1840s miners and settlers moved through territory Pressure from farmers railroads to open land New treaties forced tribes onto reservations Continued federal policy to keep whites and Indians separated Native American tribes resisted 1850s 1880s open and violent confrontations 1864 Sand creek Colorado o Discovery of gold o Group of Cheyenne murdered by John Chivington 1870s more pressure to take lands Railroads in Sioux territory SD WY and MT Skirmishes increased 1874 76 Gold discovered in the Black Hills o Launched 15 month war with 15 major battles Sioux difficult to defeat o Battle of little bighorn 1876 o Crazy Horse defeated general George Custer o Unable to follow up victory US military subdued with attrition hounded them into submission The Great Sioux War largest military conflict since civil wat Remaining tribes put on reservations other tribes worn down by US army Last to surrender Apaches led by Geronimo 1886 o No longer a threat to settlement o Faced poverty lack of food and supplies o US government failed to provide adequate rations o Buffalo hunted almost to extinction o Lands not suitable for farming Other policies threatened survival culture Bureau of Indian Affairs undermined tribal leadership o Barred tribes leaders from meeting imprisoned them Introduced Americanization education attempts Native American children forced into special school o Learned English attended Christian church services Men taught to farm women taught household duties 1887 Dawes Act took land and divided to 160 acre plots for native americans o Encourages individualism farming o Further reduced land holdings Religion also targeted for reform Christian philanthropies churches petitioned for restrictions o Saw native americans religions as pagan o Thought they helped native americans resist americanizations 1884 Bureau of Indians Affairs made native religious practices illegal o Withheld rations to enforce ban o Also used violence o 1890 Wounded Knee South Dakota o 200 Sioux killed over Ghost Dance religion o Was seen as threat could stir uprising Long legacy of subordination intimidation for Native americans Native americans not considered US citizens until 1924 Ban on religious practices lasted until 1933 Between 1886 and 1934 86 million acres of land lost In 1890 only 250000 native americans left Settlement of west took place in context Conflict with nnative americans Expanision of railroads Western border of US porus Since colonial period british and then American settlers pushed boundaries Influence of business and northern capital o 1848 US Mexican war o 1840s mining rushes in western lands o 1860 people moving for farm 1862 Homestead Act 160 acres granted after 5 years of farming Ignored need for capital equipment Not enough land for success past KS NE Much of the land bought by speculators companies By 1890 375 000 farms claimed under act but most purchased Other policies morill Act 1862 40 of land in Kansas not available to public Act demonstrated fed govt role in who got own land Who was moving to the west Migration increased significantly after 1870 Large mix of people moved into western lands o Americans Canadians Mexicans Europeans Three major industries developed in west Most migrants were well off WTFFFFF Mining Carried out by individuals small groups Required investment capital 1870 1880 more complex mining needed 1840s 1850s god silver discovered in CA CO NV o Example hydraulic mining o Very expensive companies moved into mining Miners became wage laborers Did get some states to put in reforms 1880s 1890s attempted to unionize for protection Cattle and Cattle drives Industry organized in Texas Run by small ranchers cowboys Railroads brought new economic opportunities 1867 Abilene KS established as shipping point o Drives Abilene began 1 5 million cattle shipped out by 1870 long drives became less necessary by 1880s industry moving out of Texas Large companies get involved o Began closing the range made it difficult for smaller ranches to compete o Cowboys become wage laborers Agriculture Largest industry in west Faced difficulties due to environment climate Irrigation fencing necessary Farmers tended to grow a single cash crop for market New technologies enable farmers to grow more efficiently o Grain elevators new plows new drills Success depended on location capital weather and markets o Over production transportation and tariffs all affected income o Smaller farms more likely to fail during unfavorable times 1880s series of droughts and poor market prices Fraud and discrimination for shipping costs Banks mortgages lenders foreclosed on farms over loans Tension over currency policies o 1873 law mandated coins could only be minted in gold o Amount in circulation decreased by 10 between 1865 1890 o Meant borrowing money was more expensive 1876 Greenback party formed o Wanted paper currency with no metal backing Tensions over currency increased in 1880s 1888 republicans authorized more minting in silver o Eastern bans businesses disliked the measure Farmers faced increasing debt falling prices Grassroots organizations began to form Farmers alliances o Developed in great plainsand south o Worked at local level to provide assistance o Pushed for reforms at national level too o Federal loans govt control of railroads 1890s adopted People s Party or populist party Success in 1890 elections In west alliances began to form political 3rd parties Won congressional seats two state legislatures Used

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LSU HIST 2057 - The American West and the Rise of Populism

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