Culture shared understanding Beliefs opinion personal individual group experience Values abstract fewer values than beliefs Customs everyday behavior shaking hands Rituals series of steps football games Traditions passed down xmas trees religious Characteristics of Culture specific to a group of people Individuals socialized into cultures Many different sub cultures Culture changes within cultural group are shared beliefs High Culture Scholars elite intellectuals finer things in life produced for the masses only few enjoy high culture art wealthy Edifying Impulse people from masses need to be educated classical opera low culture needs for high culture to educate them Popular Culture Scholars do not believe in distinction between high and low culture Culture is widespread 5 Media Trends 1 Media fragmentation cheaper 2 Concentration of ownership within industry 3 Mass media conglomerates 4 Cross media ownership 5 Globalization OWNERSHIP Minimize RISK Production studios Distribution TV stations distribution companies Exhibition televisions Internet theaters video rental Advantages of media conglomerates more money larger distributions Disadvantages of media conglomerates little variety monopolized more control over the people Horizontal Integration benefits media products make great stories can be shared in multiple ways Vertical Integration benefits company can control cost of production distribution and exhibition maximize profit Synergy the ability of mass media organizations to channel content into a wide variety of mass media on a global scare through control over production distribution and exhibition in as many of those media as possible Profit Oriented Mindset direct sales licensing fees rentals subscriptions advertising and product placement Political Economy Perspective Commodification process where product person is transformed into an object available for sale as product Massive market for mortgages for example Audience is sold as a commodity Viewers become new product that media corporations could sell to advertisers Media produce attract an audience to sell it to advertisers Ideology a particular way of thinking and seeing the world that makes the existing organization of social relations appear natural and inevitable The vision to which a society aspires Myths simple stories with compelling characters and resonant plots Provide ideals to live by Icons encapsulated myths People brands Ritual Action consuming the myth Through icons can experience powerful myths continually How to build an iconic brand 1 Target national contradictions 2 Create myths that lead culture 3 4 Draw on their own authority to rebuild the myth 5 Draw on cultural knowledge Speak with a rebel s voice Apple Example the perfect storm new product launch Apple releases the Macintosh Super bowl advertising January 1984 George Orwell s 1984 dystopia Ridley Scott According to Holt s model is Apple an iconic brand Targeted national contradictions Created myth that led culture Spoke with rebel s voice Drew on its authority Public Welfare Frame violent content can lead to increased aggression which in turn may lead to violent behavior First Amendment Frame there is no causal relationship between violent content and violent behavior Drew on cultural knowledge YES 1 st Amendment vs concern for public welfare 1 Defining violent content individual 2 Determining which TV programming to regulate 3 Free speech 4 Failure to use ratings and V Chips 5 Concern regarding empirical research results excitement heightened arousal states Behavioral Effects Catharsis vent aggressive impulses Arousal Disinhibition less inhibited by social sanctions norms Imitation observational learning Desensitization less sympathetic so used to violence frequently OTHER POTENTIAL EFFECTS Emotional anxiety fright children and fright reaction Cognitive cultivation theory Gerbner Colleagues High Risk Contexts Federman 1998 1 Perpetrator who is an attractive role model Dexter 2 Violence that seems justified 3 Violence that goes unpunished no remorse criticism penalty 4 Minimal consequences to the perpetrators 5 Realistic to viewer 6 Violence for entertainment sake Social Psychological Perspective Ability to process incoming information Cognitive short cuts categorization Schemas stereotypes In group diverse vs out group stereotypes Cumulative effects cultivation theory Sex male female Gender masculine feminine Gender Identity Socially constructed society tells us how to be a man woman Social Comparison Theory Leon Festinger Natural drive motivation to compare for self evaluation People seek information to make personal evaluations Learn norms of appearance Locus of control internal vs environment Similar vs dissimilar other Other is deficient vs other is better Intended Advertising Effects Human needs Advertising activates that need hungry for it Position brand Purchase brand product Thigh gap example Hypersexuality an over emphasis Gender Display performing roles Objectification become objects powerless Direct Effect bullet direct effects on behavior individuals have no control passive recipients 2 step flow media opinion leaders attitudes behavior Cumulative Effects long term effects cultivation theory Critics media as shaper maintain hegemonic patriarchal system perpetuate inequality income etc self esteem dehumanizing violent relationships Proponents media as a mirror no overt short or long term effect and individual differences MASS MEDIA IS A CULTURAL STORYTELLER Cognitive and emotional branding focus on PRODUCT Cultural branding focuses on CULTURE How to iconic brands become iconic Product placement coke on American idol Product Integration integrated into dialogue Proponents of increased regulation screenwriter s guild commercial alerts mission Media as Shaper influences culture Pop stars dressing revealing people are going to then dress the same Media as Mirror mimic reflect No it s just how they express themselves The Male Gaze Ritualization of Subordination
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