Cognitive Psychology Study Guide Embodied Learning o What is the Chinese room experiment If you are in a room surrounded by language books and symbols are you going to learn the language No Experiences are grounded in sensorimotor The meaning of language doesn t come from symbols o What are amodal theories of representation Symbols used to represent knowledge language meaning Says that with enough machine learning and rules you can get a computer to understand language Embodied cognition disagrees with this no body no sensation no perception no affordances o What is a modal theory of representation Representation of knowledge is more than Meaning is derived from affordances having a Embodied cognition symbols body and the senses o What are the main points of embodied cognition Modal theories fail argument symbol relationships still don t give meaning Meaning comes from affordances what an object does for you The object s value Knowledge is embodied or grounded in bodily states We need a body to have affordances Cognitive representations and operations are grounded in their physical context o What role do affordances play in embodied cognition What objects can do for us Meaning is derived from the value objects have to Things can only have value if we have Watson and computers in general don t have us desires needs these things o What is the action compatibility effect Shows the role the body has on processing action The idea Forming the body in a position primes the body for certain behavior and interpretations Ex Pencil in mouth laughing experiment bottle cap study slumping mood study o What role does metaphor play in understanding abstract concepts such as freedom Abstract concepts understood by using metaphors Understood in the context of concrete The sensorimotor system forms the Ex Freedom container he s on fire experiences representation temperature He flew through his work movement we ve come a long way journey o Sensorimotor simulations our brain and simulating the experience We derive meaning by activating sensorimotor in Meaning comes from re simulation of something Ex sitting in a chair o What is the traditional view of learning the sciences Association and stimulus response using symbols Not so focused on how we represent and formulas understanding concepts o What does Embodied Learning EL say about learning We ground our conceptual knowledge Focusing on the principles of embodied cognition Using the body to mediate understanding of Appears to be better than traditional forms of Tools that encourage people to use the body tend comprehension in bodily states and applying them to learning sciences abstract concepts in science instruction to be more successful o What activities are useful from an EL perspective learn Tools that require use of body movements to Metaphor Object manipulation Mathematical imagery trainer Ex A variable is a container of something o What is the process in which abstract concepts are learned Using metaphors Linking perceptions and movement Thinking is a lot like seeing and moving Manipulating symbolic notation is cognitively similar to physically moving objects in space o How does the mathematical imagery trainer work Example of embodied cognition Teaches the principles of proportion using embodied principles Language o What is language Not on exam System of communication that involves words o How does language differ from written language Written language requires explicit teaching Language rises just by being around others that speak it o What is an example of non linguistic thinking Thinking without language Precursor to language Special reasoning mental rotation memory of a No verbal descriptions to solve problem layout o From an evolutionary perspective what purpose did language serve A way to keep our ideas away from some Communication individuals other tribes o What do people typically remember when listening to spoken language Not on test The gist Don t remember verbatim but can put into our own words o What is the Sapir Wharf hypothesis Language influences thought on some level Our different languages may make us have Understanding language in fundamentally conceptual differences about the world different ways o What is a word Building block of language Symbols we re able to link to some sort of meaning o What is grammar Rules of language Allow for more sophisticated language Encompasses both morphology and syntax grammar rules on how words are organized Examines both word structure and sentence structure o What is morphology words Component of language that allows us to build Grammar for words Study of basic units of meaning Examines how we create words by combining morphemes o What is phonology form words Sounds of words and how we combine sounds to Larynx Study of speech sounds including history and Phoneme basic unit of sound theory of sound changes in language o What is Chomsky s theory of language Universal grammar Born with innate ability to understand and learn these rules mental module o What are the criticisms of Chomsky Lack of empirical evidence Didn t collect data with empirical studies only He didn t know enough about languages Theories of language can be explained by broader case studies theories o What is discourse processing Constructive process Focuses on how we bring out prior knowledge to We build inferences and make predictions the table when reading allows us to understand what we re reading even better o What are inferences Process of prediction Predicting what s going to happen based on prior knowledge Evolutionary Psychology o What are the goals of EP from an evolutionary perspective Try to understand human behavior and cognition Allows us to understand how things develop Can make stronger claims about how things work what we should be good at and what we should be bad at o What are the main claims of EP The brain is not a general purpose problem solving We evolve particular modules that solve particular As things became more complex we developed mechanism problems for survival more modules o What role does heredity and mutation play in the brain Not on test Modules arose as a result of mutations Advantageous mutations passed on to heredity Those with advantageous modules will survive o What is the theory of modularity brain for particular functions We have lots thousands of modules parts of the o How do modules evolve according to EP Not on Due to mutations and heredity Good mutations exam survived o What is
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