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The 20th century The Fauves and Cubism End of 19th c emphasized spontaneity and use of extremely bright colors Colors do not have representational function similar to Expressionism except do not necessarily express the subject s emotions Combination of the color effects of Monet and abstraction of Picasso Fauves is French term for wild animals coined by art critic and meant to be offensive Art of Fauves first displayed to public at Salon d Automne of 1905 Inspired by Realists as a radical movement that worked against Western European tradition in art Flat surfaces with paint dismantling of Renaissance pictorial theory Art highlights everyday and material existence portrayal of supernatural events falls out of favor Lack of figures abstract Definition of art is changing Art dealers become important also begin to work as advocates Popular assumptions superstitions questioned especially in urban centers Socialist thinkers analyze society in terms of economics Analytical Cubism Art that is in form of a decorative surface but hard rocky surface that has presence despite flatness Arrangement of arch line plane Horizontal rows of brushstrokes lie on surface Colors neutrals brown black white Modulation of light and dark illusion of shading Andr Derain The Dance 1906 portrays entirely flat surface focus on decorative patterns Fauvist bright color horizon but yellow and white figure in garish red few anatomical details transparent arm leg stained with paint gives a hint of depth sinuous movement creates mood of excitement Henri Matisse The Red Room 1908 1909 wallpaper is flat and table is cubic but feature same pattern playing with volume of cubic figure vs flat pattern obvious chair outlined in two dimensional pattern features a human figure Pablo Picasso Les Demoiselles d Avignon 1907 Pre cubist Courbet Manet Fauves Impressionists are all inspirations inspired by African tribal masks African art very abstract in some of its tradition subjects are prostitutes from Avignon figures appear aggressive savage cube hinted at geometrically no shadow on sides of cubic table although the edge is translation of forms into abstract language form fit to underlying fundamental shapes true human volumes and proportions not represented figures have sharp angles like shards fruits are patternized translations simply shapes a controversial work Pablo Picasso Portrait of Ambroise Vollard 1910 breaks up the form of the human face intellectual approach despite abstraction sitter is still recognizable gets rid of illusion of geometric form 3D arch curve line plane place where lines meet as three basic compositional elements shadowing made possible painting approached by artist placing limitations on himself short pasty and horizontal brushstrokes applied in a rigid one dimensional way Paul C zanne Self Portrait c 1879 whole complete human form no fractured planar surfaces illusion of 3D rectangular object in the form of the head arm is cubic flat pattern theme Georges Braque The Portuguese 1911 painting moves horizontally and vertically but not in out things in foreground seem to step forward yet lack of space use of stenciled letters dance letters remove illusion of space hole is hinted at being cylindrical disciplined horizontal brushstrokes Pablo Picasso Still Life with Chair Caning 1912 piece of oil cloth pasted on and painted over to remove depth actual rope used as frame jeu means game still life pipe glass carafe newspaper jou letters recognizable witticism through pun on visual game of the artwork The 20th century Dada and Surrealism Paris is intellectual center of Western world War is seen as unfair inhumane by WWI modern artillery guns and much more advanced tactics War and society comes to be perceived by intellectuals as ridiculous and a joke Dada art rejects artistic tradition is anti art Idea of the readymade a random object selected and declared as work of art Power of intentionality the will to make common objects into art without much effort in production Portrayal of the absurd Sigmund Freud s exploration of the unconscious Unconscious mind is in terrible pain carries repressed frustration having origin in childhood but is treatable through decoding of images in one s dreams Surrealism theme of the unconscious mind influenced by Freudian psychology driven by liberating the unconscious Jean Arp Untitled Collage with Squares Arranged according to the Laws of Chance 1917 example of Dada art made by random process paper cut up pieces thrown and taped where they happened to fall absurd random Marcel Duchamp L H O O Q 1919 readymade a mass produced reproduction of the Mona Lisa irreverence of Cubism Post impressionism and other modern movements evident beard and mustache express theme of gender reversal liked by this artist Letters LHOOQ when pronounced out loud sound like she has a hot behind in French presumed reason for her smile accepted by French intellectuals artist becomes international star Marcel Duchamp Fountain 1917 a urinal picked up from a junkyard readymade signed with name not of the artist shows how arbitrary artistic values are Marcel Duchamp The Large Glass 1915 1923 two glass panels hung vertically balance between randomness and careful control bride various chambers in upper image bachelors substances flowing to chambers above in lower image metaphor for insemination chocolate grinder grinding the chocolate French slang for masturbation incorporates malic moulds bottom models of male figures used to make tin soldiers Salvador Dali Slave Market with the Disappearing Bust of Voltaire 1940 artist externalizes reality of his dreams paranoiac critical method used intent to make the abnormal look normal and the normal look abnormal multistable image one image morphs into another surrealist technique heads of figures turned into eyes of bust illustrates Surrealist belief that if conscious mind were occupied the unconscious would Salvador Dali The Persistence of Memory 1931 object in center is sexually charged symbol suggestive vaginal imagery closed eye with long eyelashes be brought out to expression Leonora Carrington Self Portrait c 1937 1938 creepy mood recalls dream state possessed look on face hair seems alive floats Frida Kahlo The Broken Column 1944 inspired by Surrealism work reflects dreamlike strangeness poetic metaphor for artist s pain horribly injured in youth suffered with spinal injury for the rest of her life nails represent actual pins put in her spine to set it in

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UMD ARTH 201 - The 20th century: The Fauves and Cubism

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