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Comm 250 Lecture 1 Objectives Defining communication 02 02 2015 Define Communication o Why is it important to define communication o Issues involved in defining communication The process of communication Communication contexts Why is it important to define communication Frank Dance searching for a definition of communication 127 different definitions of communication internal conflict not agreeing upon a single definition o need to be consistent o need to differentiate what you are studying vs others Issues defining communication must communicate Be intentional first example o Watzlawick Beavin and Jackson 1967 o Some people believe communication must be intentionally communicated in order for it to be considered comm o WB J you cannot not communicate people are always unintentionally communicating o As long as meaning is received from a message then communication is taking place o First example communication meaning is inferred Have Correspondence Danny Dull Example o Whether or not message sent has to message received o People who believe in correspondence also have intentionality must be a message im sending for you to receive o There also exists scholars who believe any message received communication Be successful Benny Bigot kids o Communication needs to be received successful Be Ethical Honest morgan asking out o Differentiate between those who are honest those who are not o Deception studied o Should we study the difference between lying not lying persuasion behavior encouraging people to lie Include Symbolic Actions stomach growling o Verbals non verbals are symbolic o Should we only study codified symbols that have clearly defined meanings o Can we study other symbols Include cognition thought perception o Is decision making in communications in itself o Should we study it or not Human to Human communication o Communication scholars do not study animal communication o Must be person to person communication o Lecture 2 Class Definition of Communication 02 02 2015 A process in which individuals use symbols to establish and interpret meaning in their environment Models of Communication Linear Shannon and Weaver 1949 One way model Create speech send out to audience NOISE Sender sender encodes channel message channel decodes receiver NOISE o Sender originated message meaning they want to get across o Sender encodes creation of the message taking of pure thoughts feelings ideas in the mind labeling them with symbols and organizing them some way o Message meaning that the sender wants to get across o Channel pathway in which we send what we are thinking usually through the 5 senses hear a message sight hearing smell touch taste o Receiver person who is supposed to receive the message o Decodes interpret the message receiving the symbols taking them figuring out what they mean in the pure thoughts feelings etc o Noise anything that interferes with the sending receiving of messages o LINEAR MODEL IN ACTION Television radio Speech with no immediate feedback Message on answering machine Types of Noise o Physical external Anything external to the participants that can interfere with the sending receiving of messages Cant hear you Visual distraction o Semantic internal noise understand words o Psychological internal Things going on within the individual Don t understand each others language don t Preconceived notions or biases regarding subject or other person that they are talking to Republican vs democrat discussing healthcare Teenager ignoring parents o Physiological internal Biology of people tired hungry sick Disability Interactional Schramm 1954 Two way model of communication circular model Top half is exactly the same as linear bottom introduces concept of o Allows sender to understand what meaning the receiver feedback decoded Roles are switched Stop start oriented Circles field of experience every time we enter a communication we bring every with us everything we are and everything we have experienced up until that point culture language system age level of education male female grandparents teachers travel etc o Used to interpret situation helps us interpret meaning o Needs to be overlap in order for there to be shared meaning o Sometimes the only overlap is a common language MODEL IN ACTION o Two way radio o Conversation o Survey with written response o A structured debate o A job interview as long as it is start stop question answer Transactional Barnlund 1970 Current view of the communication process still posses all Arrows aim both ways more conversational always encoding Messages flying back and forth the entire time simulations sending Both sender and receiver are mutually responsible for the creation Seeking correspondence back and forth until there is an components decoding and receiving of meaning understanding Nurse words example back and forth until she uses the correct word PARTICIPANT no sender receiver specifically All of this communication takes place within a context o Rules may be different but process may be the same raise hand not Communication Definition Hubbard The transactional process of creating meaning Lecture 3 Objectives 02 02 2015 What is a Theory What is the difference between a theory and a taxonomy and a model What are the goals of theory Communication theory defined What is a theory Involves an abstract concept s Any conceptual representation of explanation of a phenomenon Stephen Littlejohn Concepts are really just labels for things A set of statements specifying an explanatory relationship between two or more classes of phenomenon mary john smith Theory vs Taxonomy Model Taxonomy marwell and schmitt o A conceptual representation of categories of a phenomenon Taxonomy Rewarding activities o Promise liking pregiving Punishing activities Threat aversive stimulation o Etc Who would consider taxonomy a theory Stephen little john or mary john smith MARY Goals of theory To describe to understand o What o Put in an intelligible frame o How and or why To explain To predict Lecture 4 Objectives Meta Theory 02 02 2015 What is meta theory What are meta theoretical assumptions questions How do meta theoretical assumptions drive theory building and testing What is the difference between a social scientist and a humanist What are the three major paradigms in the field of communication Why so many communication theories Scholars have different assumptions about the nature of o Communication o Theory building and testing Meta theory Body of speculation on

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