Lecture 9 Homicide unwillingly Murder unlawful homicide Criminal Homicide the death of another person without legal excuse Types of murder o First degree murder Unlawful killing both willful premediated Ex poisoning husband o Second Degree Murder With intent of harm but not murder EX shooting leg but dying because lost too much blood o Third Degree Murder negligent Homicide manslaughter Resulted from negligence EX drunk driver killed pedestrian o Felony Murder Killing while committing a crime EX robbing a house and killed the owner Criminal involves the killing of several victims in 3 separate o Serial Murder incidents Guns Homicide o Instrumentality ends in death o Availability RAPE o Power Rape Type of weapon used in an encounter has an effect whether Access to gun increases presence in all type of interaction Not harm their victims Planned o Anger Rape Harm their victims Generally impulsive o Sadistic Rape Combination of power and rape Often involve torture o Acquaintance Rape o Spousal Rape Raped by husband Prior social relationship but not intimate or familiar Child Abuser o Almost all males o Two types Regressed pedophiles Attracted to people their own age Aroused by minors Fixated Pedophiles Adults who engage mainly with minors Robbery Assault o Attempting taking anything of value o PERSON PRESENT o Aggravated assault With weapon With injuries o Simple Assault No weapon No INJURY Workplace Violence o Crime committed against people who are at work duty o Different Type Type 1 No connection to entered to commit crime Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Directed at employee by customer Commited by prior present employee towards other employee By someone doesn t work their by has personal relationship with employee Lecture 10 Property crimes o Larceny o Burglary o Motor vehicle theft o Arson Larceny Flash Mobs o Taking Anything that can be stolen from the possession of other o Not involve of use of force o Crowds of people brought together by use of social media Identity Theft o Misuse of another individual personal info to commit fraud o Two type Existing account Fraud Theft use already opened accounts New Account Fraud Use personal info social security to open new account under victims name Make charges and then they disappear Burglary o Unlawful entry for purpose of felony theft o Motivated offender suitable target lack of capable guardian property crime Motor Vehicle Theft o Theft attempt theft of motor vehicle Theft of car parts Car recovered but missing car radio etc Joyriders Cr theft for fun Temporary use to satisfy needs from excitement to personal autonomy o Willful malicious burning a public house building motor vehicle Arson Thefts o Professional o Persistent o Occasional Makes a living from criminal pursuits Continues in property crimes despite an ordinary success Offending patterns are guided by opportunity Careers o Implies rational progression o With planning formalized logic to progression o 3 distinct phases in property offending Break in period Early years of offenders career o Explores various types of crimes o First 10 12 years of property offender Stable period Begin age 30 for those started at 18 Highest commitment Identify more to the criminal lifestyle Begin at age 40 Dropout rate lowered commitment Burn out period Lecture 11 White Collar Crime o Violation of criminal law by persons of respectability high status in their occupation Less likely investigated prosecuted arrested o Culture Conflict Theory Sociologixal perspective on cime that root cause of criminality found in clash of values b w socialized groups over what is acceptable o Punishable act by law committed through opportunity in course of an Occupational occupation Job related violation Corporate Crime o Form of organized crime o Violation of criminal statue by corporate entity executives employee acting on behalf of and benefit of the corporation Ex ford defective tires and did not say anything until people where injured o Misuse of corporate property for personal gain Environmental Crimes o Violation of criminal law that damage some protectes significant aspect of natural environment Ex BP oil spill Organized Crimes o Unlawful activity of member of highly organized disciplined associating supplying illegal goods and services Prostitution narcotics Lecture 12 Drug offenses o Violation of the laws prohibiting the possession use distribution sale of illegal drugs Public Order Offense o Disrupting public peace tranquility o Affects the central nervous system alters perception Psychoactive drug Category of Drug 1 Opiates Opioids a Opiates i Synthetic drugs not derieved from opium a Chief feautures to cause altered perceptions i Derieved from opium plant ii Ex Heroin b Opioids ii Ex codeine 2 Hallucinogens b Ex LSD 3 Stimulants b Ex Cocaine 4 Depressants a Excite the central nervous system a Inhibit central nervous system b Xanax Federal Controlled Substance Act o Schedule I Marijuana heroin prescribe o Schedule II Cocaine opium Accept sometimes for medical use High potential for abuse o Schedule III Steroids No medical use high potential for abuse docors cannot Accept for medical use o Schedule IV Lower potential for abuse Xanax Accepted for medical use o Schedule V Lower potential abuse Cold remedies Medical use Lower potential for abuse Purchase over the counter o Violation prohibiting possession distribution o Not involve a violation of drug law but rather violation of a law of Drug defined crimes Drug Related Crimes some other type Framework of Drugs o Psychopharmacological framework Properties of the drug lead a person on drug to commit crime Ex guy on drug eats a mans face off o Economic Compulsive Framework Want and need for drug relates to committed crime Ex robbing a store for money to buy drugs o Systemic Framework Crime occurs in connection to drug use because drugs are illegal and sold on the black market Ex a man on drug steals from a drug dealer Drug Enforcement o Source Control Activities aimed at limiting the cultivation and production of illicit drug In foreign countries Ex house raid o Interdiction Attempt of US to prevent drugs from smuggles across out border by denying drug smugglers the use of air land and maritime routes Ex airport check for drugs drug officers near the border o Street level enforcement Drug law enforcement operation currently used by police Ex house raids Prostitution o Offering of oneself for hire for the purpose of engaging in sexual relations or engaging in sexual
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