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CCJ3011 Chiricos Exam 1 Review Criminology 1 What is Crime 2 What is a social audience a A Socially constructed meaning given by social audiences a Any who can does assign meaning to a behavior person situation activity w the power authority to do so 3 What are 2 types of audiences and examples of each a Formal exist for purpose of assigning meaning e g jury judges police b Informal doesn t exist to create meaning No power authority but does so any way can be silent body language 4 What are 2 types of meanings given by social audiences a Descriptive don t express judgment just what it is E g Abortion just a med Term b Normative implicit or explicit judgment Should or Should not E G murder is morally wrong Warrants action 5 What was the first addictive drug that has meaning of serious crime a CRACK COCAINE 250 000 DEATHES b TOBACCO 6 What are 3 purposes of normative meaning a Ensure predictability of action b Minimize threat c Promote solidarity 7 What are the 4 types of threat a Physical b Material possessions c Social status identity d Symbolic values ideals CCJ3011 Chiricos 8 What are 3 ways criminal law is a descriptive normative meaning a Specificity of terms b Uniformity of application c Politicality of origin who speaks for state 9 Whom does the state speak for What are some examples a Consensual will of it s people b Will of elites i Religious puritans ii Political soviet union china iii Economic tax makers 10 What did Emile Durkheim believe was the consensus of crime a Collective conscience i Widely shared beliefs and values 11 How are criminal laws different from other laws such as civil and family a Criminal law is repressive and painful unlike others whose goals are to help individuals w restitution and no pain 12 True of false seriousness of crimes rated differs by racial and ethnic groups a False relatively consistent through groups 13 What is the problem with the consensus view a In theory everyone has the same belief but in real life there is disagreement i E g boy being shot excessive force despite being unarmed dead end Police fault or not Disagreement b Who speaks for the state i Representation skewed towards rich white old men c Chicken v egg which comes first consensus of the masses or ideas of the elites 14 What is the process of a 1 Dimensional thought filtering CCJ3011 Chiricos a Top down by Herbet Marcuse thoughts of elite filter down to masses 15 Gramsci s Hedgemonic consciousness can be defined as what a Ideas articulated filter down and feel like consensus 16 What is Mill s Heirarchy of Credibility a Natural to believe that ideas by power and authority are credible and valuable He has power must be right 17 What is the most common serious crime a Property theft 92 b Less that 1 violent crime industrialized a Should diminish 19 What is positivism 18 What should happen to the collective conscience as society becomes more a The study of causes of behavior and crime 20 What is the assumption of positivism a Criminals are fundamentally different than non criminals a Relationship b t good and bad overtime are fundamentally different b Belief that good leads to good and bad leads to bad 21 What is simplicity 22 What is overlap 23 What is irony 24 What is social threat majority a The commonality of good and bad at a given time b Good bad one individual is both good and bad a Start good can lead to bad bad can lead to good a Created by blalockk presence of minorities perceived as threatening to dominant CCJ3011 Chiricos 25 What 3 things can be threatened by minorities a Economic jobs b Political elections political power c criminal 26 What is moral panic a Period of elevated public concern amplified by media b Juvie violence drugs examples 27 What is prevalent sensitivity a How sensitive and aware social audiences are of threats 28 What are 2 types of violence a Random b Stranger 29 What are examples of racial typification a Minorities hispanic black 30 What is ceiling effect as portrayed by media Actually patterned not random a People with high levels of punitiveness awareness have no room for influence to change opinion 31 Contrary to Durkheim s belief what is happening to criminal law and the collective conscience as we become more industrialized a Collective conscience is decreasing but criminal law is increasing because common meaning is no longer there 32 What is the label of crime reserved for a The dangerous actions of the poor 33 Who is the typical suspect a Young urban poor African american 34 True or false criminal law creates crime CCJ3011 Chiricos a False just mirrors real danger 35 How does society distort the images of crime a They created the typical suspect b Authority crates labels of crime c media 36 True or false the typical suspect is our greatest threat a False being injured on the job is 37 What ways does the general public lose the most money a Tax cheating fraud consumer deception embezzlement 38 What is the Pyrrhic Defeat theory a Criminal justice does little to reduce high crimes rates 39 What is the image a Poor people create crime 40 What does Richard Quinney come up with a Theory of social reality of crime 41 What is the social reality of crime a Crime is not objective descriptive but rather society gives it value and meaning i E g objective green paper social value 42 When is the label of crime labeled appropriately a When used to identify all or at least the worst acts that are harmful to society 43 When is crime labeled inappropriately a When attached to harmless acts or not attached to serious crimes 44 What are the 5 hypotheses of how crime is created a Legislators laws don t only reflect dangerous behaviors b Police prosecutors who to arrest c Juries judges convictions not limited to dangerous people CCJ3011 Chiricos d Sentencing judges sentencing don t reflect public protection e All above 45 What is the historical inertia explanation a Failure to reduce crime rate b c of the benefits it produces 46 What is the Typical Criminal s Crime a 1 on 1 crime 47 What is the importance of 1 on 1 crime a Not numbers but desire to hurt someone else 48 What are 4 objections of the defenders a Someone who purposely harms another is more evil than one who accidently harms another in same way b Being harmed purposely is scarier than indirectly c Someone harmed another w out reason is more evil than some harmed for legitimate social reason d Harm is against victims will whereas occupational hazards are consented to workers when agree to do

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FSU CCJ 3011 - Exam 1 Review- Criminology

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