Exam 3 Chapter 8 Gender differences in the proportion of arrests 2012 UCR Arrest Data Males vs Females o Proportion of Violent Crime Cases is greater for males than females o Proportion of Property Crime Cases is greater for females than males o The gap in the gender proportion is closing but men are arrested more than women Steffensmeir Allan 1996 o Compares proportion of male and female arrests for 1960 1975 1990 o For minor property offenses The greatest increases occur between 1960 and 1975 Female arrests in 1960 17 Female arrests in 1975 1990 30 War on Drugs o The shift from community corrections to incarceration hurt women o Between 1968 1991 incarceration rates of women for drug related offenses increased 433 and for males 283 o Drug convicted women make up 72 of the incarcerated population at the federal level Risk factors for women in prostitution Street level work most visible most dangerous most sex workers are arrested high risk for violence victimization Women may trade sex acts for drugs food clothing and shelter 90 of women on the streets are robbed raped and assaulted by customers and pimps Lisa Maher s Research on the use of crack cocaine by street prostitutes o Presence of crack more women on the streets o Decreases the price women receive for services o Sexual acts become a commodity to be exchanged for the drug Since 1986 women who work in brothels must be tested weekly for STIs and the presence of HIV Many do not report incidents of robbery rape and assault because they fear they will be arrested in engaging in prostitution coupled with a believe that police will do little to respond to these crimes Drug use becomes a way for them to cope with the violence in their daily lives A sample of women in jail for prostitution had significantly higher rates of drug use compared to women arrested for non prostitution related offenses Dental vision neurological respiratory and gynecological problems Death rate is 40 times higher than the death rate of the overall population Post traumatic stress 2 3 experiences May be unable to accurately assess the levels of threat and violence that surround their lives which in turn places them at increased risk for ongoing physical and sexual victimization How did the shift to incarceration from community supervision affect women Between 1986 and 1991 the incarceration rates of women for drug related offenses increased 443 compared to a 283 increase for males Drug convicted women make up 72 of the incarcerated population at the federal Most of these cases involve women as users of illegal substances Types of Crimes females and males commit level Females o Drug Addiction o Property crime o Prostitution and sex work o Gangs o Murder Males Girls and gangs o Property crimes males commit overwhelming majority of these crimes compared to women Half commit these crimes to get drugs Girls make up a small proportion of gang members 1990s estimates suggest that 8 11 of gang members were females Girls entered gangs as a result of brother s or boyfriend s affiliation Girls were distinguished by their sexuality 1 as a girlfriend to a gang member 2 as a girl who engages in sex with male gang members 3 one who uses her sexuality to avoid detection by rival gang members and the police Modern research suggests that female gangs are not only increasing but they are expanding their function and role as an independent entity separate from the male gang Girls are no longer the sexual toy of the male gang but have become active participants in crimes of drugs and violence Later adolescent years 15 18 represent the most intense years of gang activity Liberation Hypothesis vs Social Injury hypothesis Liberation Hypothesis o Suggests that the increase of female participation in gangs is related to an increase in opportunities to participate in other traditionally male domains of crime o Girls may experience autonomy and feelings of empowerment as a result of these gang activities o Joe and Chensey Lind disagree with the liberation hypothesis Counters the position that gang life is liberating for girls Suggests that gang participation is not about adolescent rebellion but rather gang participation provides a peer support network Network helps both girls and boys cope with violence and disorder that runs throughout their family and comm Social Injury hypothesis compared to boys Initiation Process for girls o Girls in gangs experience higher levels of risk danger and injury when o The risk for girls in gangs is greater than any benefits of membership Varies from being jumped in Or walking the line the girls were subjected to assault by their fellow gang members Pulling a train involved having sex with multiple individuals often the male gang members Girls who had been sexed into the gang were subjected to continued victimization from within the gang The fact that there was such an option of sexing in served to keep girls disempowered because they always faced the question of how they got in and whether they were true members Exiting gang life children facility Staying in the Gang Exiting coincides with the end of adolescence May withdraw as the result of pregnancy and the need to care for their young May exit due to legitimate employment or advanced education May be removed due to incarceration in a detention center or adult correctional Some girls may choose to be jumped out of the gang Some girls may diminish their involvement with the gang rather than be perceived as betraying or deliberately going against their gang peers May continue their affiliation May continue their participation in criminal networks Relationships with male gang members may influence their choice of marriage partners which allows them to continue their affiliation in either a direct or indirect role Chapter 9 Chivalry Hypothesis and Evil Woman Hypothesis Chivalry Hypothesis women receive preferential treatment by the justice system o Agents of the criminal justice system are reluctant to criminalize women even though their behaviors may be just as criminal as their male counterparts o Most research indicates this practice toward women Evil woman Hypothesis Women are treated more harshly than men even when charged with the same offense o Punished not only for violating the law but also for breaking the socialized norms of gender role expectations Third offense Women receive equal treatment as men in the CJ System Gender and pretrial release decisions Not just gender that affected
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