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SYG2010 EXAM 1 a point of view that highlights how society affects the experiences The Sociological Imagination Sociological imagination we have and the choices we make Sociology Society Culture what is true and behavior what people do everyday Social structure the systematic study of human societies is the patterned social arrangements in society people who live within some territory and share many patterns of behavior a way of life including wide spread values what is good and bad beliefs about o Macro level institutions class structures o Meso level social networks relationships between people and organizations o Micro level norms that shape behavior social interaction Social Location Social location refers to where individuals and groups are located in society o Physical places neighborhood city state country o Personal characteristics education sex race ethnicity age etc Intersectionality to be at the intersection point of specific social forces race gender age marital status parental status educational attainment economic status living conditions health disabilities mental health Social Problems The Basics Social problem society and is usually a matter of public controversy a condition that undermines the well being of some or all members of a o Condition any situation that at least some people define as troublesome ex Not having a job overweight etc o Undermines well being causes immediate harm limits choices ex Poverty Most serious social problems over time economy unemployment income inequality and dissatisfaction with the government Social Constructionist Approach conditions as undesirable and in need of change Objective Facts Subjective Values factual concrete data for support socially and culturally defined based on values and norms the assertion that social problems arise as people define Social problems are o Dynamic change over time across the world o Relative a problem for some is a solution for others generational and in group out group differences o Visible publicized on the radar for most of society Types of Social Problems Norm Violations act condition that violates norms in our society ex Alcoholism drug socially induced conditions that cause suffering to various segments of abuse crime physical mental health Social Inequality the populations ex Class race gender aging Social Change and Global Problems changes in social institutions ex Family marriage religion or large scale social problems ex Population growth globalization environment war terrorism Constructionist Perspective Social problems are socially constructed through the claimsmaking activities of individuals or groups that locate the problem s cause and recommends solutions Claimsmaking particular issue or situation should be defined as a social problem the process of convincing the public and important public officials that a o Small groups Mothers Against Drunk Driving o Mass Media information and mobilization on certain issues o Success often marked by passing legislation a clear statement that some behavior is defined as wrong o Produces counterclaims about what should and should not be defined as social problems ex Pro life vs pro choice Objectivist vs Constructionist Flaws of objectivist definitions of social problems o Minimize or even ignore the subjective nature of social problems o Not all harmful conditions are regarded as social problems o The objective conditions that people define as social problems have relatively little in common Constructionism takes into account that whether or not the conditions exist objectively social problems only matter when people make claims about them Sociological Theories Theory explains how two or more concepts or facts are related such as age and suicide 2 o A theory provides a framework for organizing facts and in so doing provides a way of interpreting reality Sociological theory perspective that we might otherwise neglect provide a framework for thinking about a social issue from a o Focuses broadly on structure inequalities and interaction o Theoretical approaches in sociology have a wide range of application deal with centrally important social issues and have stood the test of time sees society as a system of many interrelated parts Structural functionalism o Parts social institutions that are major spheres of social life or societal subsystems organized to meet a basic human need o Level of analysis macro level o Society is basically good problems are the result of deficient people to rapid change or dysfunctional consequences o Strengths view society as a cohesive structure emphasizes the connectivity of systems o Weaknesses explains effects but not causes unable to account for change or breakdowns ignore agency and lived experiences sees society as divided by inequality and conflict where some people benefit o Haves and Have nots o Level of analysis macro level o Inequality in class race gender etc o Strengths highlights the importance of social divisions and inequality in society integrates perspectives on class race and gender o Weaknesses may overstate significance of social divisions moving into 21st century favors political activism over scientific objectivity ignores lived experiences Symbolic interaction another sees society as the product of individuals interacting with one o Level of analysis micro level o People learn attitudes and behavior for all patterns of behavior this approach explores how people may or may not define situations as problems o Strengths can navigate and explain the subjective values of social problems examines how people construct reality and provides a real world view of social problems Social conflict at the expense of others 3 o Weaknesses micro level analysis overlooks influence of social structure on people s lives Three general approaches to social problems o Problems involving changes in social systems Occurs when changes in the system upset its equilibrium and consequently its functioning o Problems involving power struggles Occurs when disadvantaged groups are denied resources and resist or o Problems involving the individual and society Occurs when members of society label or construct a condition as a rebel problem Truth and Statistics Data collection always involves a sample of the population Representative sample numbers of the entire population Data collection can also involve leading questions that will bias the responses Presentation of results is where manipulation is most likely to occur a

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FSU SYG 2010 - The Sociological Imagination

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