Cognitive Psychology Review for Exam 1 Exam 1 covers chapters 1 2 3 4 Skip section on speech perception in Chapter 2 Be sure to earn terms in bold listed at end of each chapter Notes below focus on lecture but do learn what s in readings as well Perceptual Processes Theories of Object Recognition focus on Recognition by Components model geon theory Distinction between Top down and bottom up processing Fall 2015 Bottom up environment analyzed into visual features build up into objects Top down expectations and knowledge guides perception Neural network also known as connectionist A theory describing cognitive processing in terms of networks that link together These networks perform operation simultaneously and in parallel rather than one neuron like units step at a time Parallel distributed processing PDP theory of perceiving features Letters words Use to understand word superiority effect Units are interconnected Units can excite or inhibit other units People can identify letters in words rather than letters alone Change blindness and in attentional blindness Meaning of change blindness demonstrations where screen flickers between two presentations of scene a major change between the two must be detected Role of attention to detect those changes Meaning of the door study and unnoticed gorilla walking through basketball players Separate brain systems for perceiving object identity what and where it is or how to act on it Temporal lobe object recognition Parietal lobe action to location Research on the how system not being susceptible to certain visual illusions 1 Cognition or mental activity describes the acquisition storage transformation Vocab on chapter 1 and the use of knowledge 2 Cognitive psychology a Sometimes it is a synonym for the word cognition and so it refers to the variety of mental activities b Sometimes it refers to a particular theoretical approach to psychology 3 Cognitive approach is a theoretical orientation that emphasizes peoples thought processes and their knowledge 5 4 Empirical evidence scientific evidence obtained by careful observation and experiment Introspection meant that carefully trained observers would systemically analyze their own sensation and report them as objectively as possible under standardized conditions 6 Recency effect a tendency for items at the end better of a list to be recalled better than items in the middle of a list 7 Behaviorism an approach in psychology that focuses on objective observable reactions to stimuli in environment 8 Operational definition 9 Gestalt psychology Theoretical approach a Humans actively organize what they see b They see patterns c The whole is greater than the sum of its parts 10 Gestalt in perception and problem solving an overall quality that transcends the individual elements in the stimulus 11 Information processing approach 12 Atkinson shiffrin model the proposal that memory involves a sequence of separate steps in each step information is transferred from one storage area to another 13 sensory memory the large capacity storage system that records info from each of the senses with reasonable accuracy 14 Short term memory the part of memory that holds only the small amount of information that a person is actively using a The more current term for this type of memory is working memory 15 Ecological validity a principle of research design in which the research uses conditions that are similar to setting where the results will be applied 16 Cognitive neuroscience an approach to study mental activity that uses the research techniques of cognitive psychology along with varies neuroscience techniques for assessing the structure and function of the brain 17 Social cognitive neuroscience a new discipline that uses neuroscience techniques to explore the kind of cognitive processing used in interactions with other people 18 Brain lesions specific brain damage caused by stroke tumors blows to the head accidents or other traumas 19 Positron emission tomography PET scan 20 Functional magnetic resonance imaging 21 Event related potential technique 22 Articifal intelligence a branch of computer science that explores human cognitive processes by creating computer models These models demonstrate intelligent behavior and also accomplish the same task that humans do 23 Computer metaphor a way of describing cognition as a complex multipurpose machine that process info quickly and accurately 24 Pure AI 25 Computer simulation programing a computer to perform a specific cognitive task in the same way that humans actually perform a task 26 Computer modeling 27 Connectionist approach Parallel distributed processing PDP approach a theory describing cognitive processing in terms of networks that link together neurons like units a These networks perform operational simultaneously and in parallel rather than on step at a time 28 Neural network approach a theory describing cognitive processing in terms of networks that link together neuron like units a These networks perform operation simultaneously and in parallel rather than one step at a time 29 Cerebral cortex the outer layer of the brain that is essential for cognitive 30 Serial processing ONE at a time a type of cognitive processing in which a person performs operations one item at a time rather than simultaneously in contrast to parallel processing 31 Parallel processing More than one at a time a type of cognitive processing in which a person performs many operations simultaneously in contrast to serial processing 32 Cognitive science interdisciplinary field that tries to answer questions about the process mind a Cognitive science includes cognitive psychology neuroscience artificial intelligence philosophy linguistics anthropology sociology and economics 33 Consciousness a person s awareness of the external world and of her or his own perception images thoughts memories feelings 34 Memory the process of maintaining info over time 35 Metacognition knowledge and control of cognitive processes a Helps supervise the way one selects and uses memory strategies 36 Imagery 37 Semantic memory the area of psycholinguistic that examines the meaning of words and sentences an event or a person 38 Schemas generalized well integrated knowledge knowledge about a situation a Allows people to predict what will happen in a new situation 39 Discourse interrelated units of language that are longer than a sentence 40 Theme 1 the cognitive process are active rather than passive 41 Theme 2 the
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