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Objectives Chapter 4 WM 1 Identify three different aspects in human memory processes Encoding paying attention storage keeping information retrieval recalling information 2 Know the 3 stage processing model of memory proposed by Atkinson Shiffrin and its limitations Sensory memory short term memory long term memory loss Environmental input that enters our sensory memory we immediately lose most of this Sensory memory a part of perception rather than actual memory rehearsal loss 3 Be able to define STM classical term and know related terms Rehearsal decay magic number seven etc and how they work in STM Short Term Memory brief memory for material that you are currently processing Keeps information active and accessible temporarily Rehearsal repetition strategy that maintains in short term working memory Decay working memory decay quickly in the absence of rehearsal Magic Number 7 the capacity of short term memory is typically limited to 7 2 items 4 What is the serial position effect What is the source of primacy What is the involves better recall for items at the beginning of the list due to more rehearsal source of recency Serial position effect is the position of a certain item in a list Primacy effect and because it is stored in LTM like how you remember items in menus Recency effect shows that one has better recall for items at end of a list which still lives in LTM and has less interference 5 Know two different types of interference remembering a later part of the list and earlier memorized part of the list gets in the way Proactive interference when you memorize a list of information and when Retroactive interference occurs when newly learned information interferes with and impedes the recall of previously learned information 1 6 Be able to define WM and explain differences between STM and WM Working memory memory span complex span tasks The key difference is Working Memory deals with information that you can hold and manipulate Baddley Hitch 1974 It s usually tested by including distracting tasks in between each item to be remembered 7 Know the 4 different parts in WM and their roles and be able to how those four part work in WM Central executive integrates information from the phonological loop the the visuospatial sketchpad the episodic buffer and long term memory Plays a role in focusing attention selecting strategies transforming information and coordinating behavior BOSS OF WORKING MEMORY Visuospatial sketchpad processes both visual spatial information Allows you to store visual appearance and relative position store visual information encoded from verbal stimuli Episodic buffer temporary storehouse that can hold and combine information from the phonological loop the visuospatial sketchpad Important for solving problems arithmetic science comprehension remembering information Phonological loop processes a limited number of sounds for a short period of time 1 What is an acoustic confusion And subvocalization Acoustic confusion make fewer errors when the letter do not sound similar relative to when they do converted visual letters to sound based code Subvolaczation rehearsal process of repeating to oneself 2 What s the evidence of phonological loop and visuo spatial sketchpad Know how Baddley attempted to prove it People can work simultaneously on one phonological task rehearsing the digits and visuospatial task making judgment about spatial location of letters Even if the number of digits 3 vs 7 increased it still doesn t matter 8 Know what is N back task and how it was applied to fMRI study indicating when the current stimulus matches the one from n steps earlier in the The subject is presented with a sequence of stimuli and the task consists of sequence N can be adjusted to make the task more or less difficult fMRI was employed to test that activity in the frontal cortex is related specifically to the extent to which the participants intends to retrieve a certain stimulus 2 9 Know the importance of WM in human cognition and its relationship with mental health Scores on working memory tasks are correlated with overall intelligence and grades in school Scores on tests of working memory especially the phonological loop are usually correlated with reading ability Scores on central executive tasks are correlated with verbal fluency reading comprehension reasoning ability and note taking skills Christopher and MacDonald found that people with major depression had difficulty concentrating and had a ruminative style People with ADD or ADHD often have more difficulty than others on central executive tasks Objectives Chapter 5 LTM 1 What is long term memory How does long term memory differ from short term Memory for experiences and information accumulates over your liftetime working memory Working memory is another other than currently processing Does not mean it has to be a long time ago 2 Know the two different types of explicit memory Explicit semantic and episodic Implicit procedural priming condition habituation 3 What is the difference between recall and recognition Recall generating previously remembered information when the target is NOT in the current environment an essay test or Jeopardy Recognition selecting previously remembered information from an array of options the target IS present in the current environment multiple choice tests 4 Know the two principles of encoding process in LTM and how they affect to retrieval process in LTM Levels of Processing Encoding specificity Shallowing encoding little attention to meaning worse recall Deep encoding better recall Visual what something looks like capital letters acoustic what something sounds like does the word rhyme with MAT semantic what something means does the word refer to a plant deeper processing 3 Context is a big nebulous term and the extent that it has applied in memory research is almost mindboggling but it basically says that when things match we ll remember it better than if it s different 5 Be able to distinguish between implicit and explicit memory Explicit memory memories we retrieve intentionally and of which we have conscious awareness also referred to as declarative memory we use this when we are actively trying to remember something Implicit memory retrieval independent of conscious reflection also referred to ask non declarative memory basically anytime your memory influences you but you aren t trying to remember something 6 Know how word completion task and repetition priming task allow us to

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