Most criminologists focus only on environment Scientific Method 1 State the hypothesis Many criminologists stop here because they believe biological explanations to crime shouldn t be explored 2 Objectively test the hypothesis Many stop here as well because the data isn t available or the researched doesn t know much about the genes biology 3 Decide if hypothesis Is supported based on test Standard Social Science Methodologies SSSM used linking social factors to criminal SSSM cannot rule out a spurious relationship or genetic factors therefore results X X Y DIRECT RELATIONSHIP Y SPURIOUS RELATIONSHIP Relationship between X and Y disappears once confounding variable in behavior could be false Z place Z Biosocial criminology relationship between genetics and environment 1 3 major data sources of crime Official statistics Victimization surveys Self Reported Data etc UCR Primary source of official crime statistics annually compiled by FBI only includes crimes known by police used mainly to track crime trends Two different types of offenses Part 1 offenses Index crimes serious crimes violent and property offenses Rape Murder Assault Robbery Burglary GTA etc Part 2 offenses less serious crimes fraud simple assault embezzlement drug abuse Dark figure of crime crimes not reported to police underrepresented in UCR Hierarchy Rule Only most serious crime reported If someone stole a car and murdered the owner only the murder would be reported to the UCR NIBRS National Incident Based Reporting System developed to overcome limitations of UCR no hierarchy rule so stats are more reliable Also collects more offense types NCVS National Crime Victimization Survey crimes not reported to police by using surveys for people 12 and older Crime trends are based off of NCVS and UCR Self reported surveys not official statistic asks about other variables family peer relationships personality type etc Serious criminals are not included in this 2 Official data UCR NIBRS NCVS are best for studying serious crimes NCVS and self report surveys better for studying common crimes all types provide a comprehensive understanding of crime Theory provides explanations to understand crime tells us what we need to change to reduce crime as well as inform public policy Strong theory cognitive validity or empirical validity Cognitive Theory the criminal has thought about and determined reward outweighs risk Empirical Validity a theory has empirical facts to back up the cognitive validity of the theory how well the data that has been collected fits with the theory and is also correct Outcome Articulated propositions formal theory uses a variable create relationship statement and establishes a hypothesis Independent variable predictor Dependent Variable 4 main features in a theory Breadth Comprehensiveness Precision and Depth Unarticulated propositions the theorist has feelings that they include more informal Assumptions about people and human nature policy implications Success of theory is based on Cognitive theory and Subjective theory Levels of analysis for a theory Micro level and Macro level Correlates of crime Age Sex Race 3 Behavioral Genetics BG Phenotypes measureable characteristics Weight IQ Height Traits etc Variance differences between people Behavioral genetics estimates the phenotypic variance difference between people 3 components of phenotypic variance that uses two siblings from the same household Heritability h difference accounted for by genetic factors at the group level Shared Environment environments experienced equally among siblings family socioeconomic status maternal depression Non shared Environment environments experienced differently among siblings different school different friend group Twin based research uses two types of twins Monozygotic twins MZ identical twins share 100 of genetics Dizygotic twins DZ fraternal twins born together share about 50 of genetics If survey shows MZ twins are more alike than DZ twins in survey that means genetics played a factor Molecular Genetics identifies precise genes that are linked to antisocial behavior unlike behavioral genetic research DNA determines everything about a person hair color personality eye color etc Consists of 2 genetic fibers called polynucleotides which are twisted together 4 Each polynucleotide has 4 nucleotides bases Adenine Thymine Guanine Cytosine SHE SAID SHE WOULD NOT BE ASKING ABOUT NUCLEOTIDES ON TEST Genes sequences of base pairs that work in unison to perform certain functions does not cause behavior Converting DNA into proteins is a two step process will be on test Transcription Gene duplicated onto RNA RNA converted into mRNA messenger RNA mRNA leaves cell nucleus and travels to cytoplasm Translation mRNA attaches to ribosome ribosome reads genetic info from mRNA amino acids produced and added to protein chain protein is formed and performs functions of the cell Genotypic Variance leads to phenotypic variance Genes are stored within chromosomes and humans have 23 pairs Half from mom half from Dad 23rd pair determines sex of offspring Sex chromosomes females have XX and males have XY Most genes have one version that can be inherited 1 10 of genes have two or more copies alternative copies are known as alleles Genetic polymorphisms genes with two or more alleles or copies Genotype specific combination of alleles or alternative copies Genotypic variance explains phenotypic variances Difference in gene alleles explains differences in people 5 Monogenic effects One gene One disorder Can be predicted for diseases but not cause of antisocial behavior Polygenic effects multiple genes affecting one disorder Pleiotropic effects one gene multiple disorders Neurons nerve cells found in the brain that are responsible for communicating information throughout the body Neurons consist of the cell body axon and dendrites The gap between each axon terminal is called the Synapse Neurotransmitters chemical messengers that relay info across the synapse After action potential neurotransmitters must be removed from synapse by Reuptake or Termination Both of which are governed by genes Dopamine excitatory neurotransmitter associated with feels of euphoria natural reward system Very high low levels associated with maladaptive behaviors Genes involved with dopamine throughout the body are polymorphic more than one allele is present so this gene can be high functioning or low functioning resulting in the maladaptive behavior 6 DAT1 Dopamine transporter
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