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History Final Study Guide Chapter 28 The Second World War Policy of the good neighbor No nation has the right to intervene in the internal or external affairs of another Benito Mussolini he was a bombastic journalist who seized power in Italy By 1925 Mussolini was wielding dictatorial power as Il Duce The leader All opposition and political parties were eliminated He eventually joined National Socialist German Workers Nazi party National Socialist German Workers party Hitler was ahead of this and offered Hitler the opportunity to portray himself as a nation s messianic savior Adolf Hitler A magnetic speaker fanatical ideologue and ruthless racist Hitler assumed absolute power in 1934 Winston Churchill British prime minister in 1940 described the Munich pact as A defeat without a war The Munich Pact was a settlement permitting Nazi Germany s annexation of portions of Czechoslovakia along the country s borders mainly inhabited by German speakers for which a new territorial designation Sudetenland was coined Neutrality Act of 1935 prohibited Americans from traveling on ships owned by nations at war and prohibited the sale of arms and munitions to any belligerent nation whenever the president proclaimed that a state of war exhibited abroad Neutrality law of 1937 allowed the president to require that goods other than arms or munitions exported to warring nations be sold on a cash and carry basis A nation would have to pay cash and then carry the American made goods away in its own ships Joseph Stalin was a soviet premier Him and Hitler secretly agreed to divide up northern and Eastern Europe between them Blitzkrieg Lightning war featuring carefully coordinated columns of fast moving German tanks motorized artillery and truck borne infantry all supported by warplanes Lend lease bill introduced in congress on January 10 1941 authorized the president to lend or lease military equipment to any country whose defense the president deems vital to the defense of the United States Atlantic Charter It pledged that after the final destructionof the Nazi tyranny The victors would promote the self determination of all peoples economic cooperation freedom of the seas and a new system of international security By September 11 anti axis nations including the Soviet Union had endorsed the charter Dwight D Eisenhower commanded troops to land in Morocco and Algeria on the North African coast for the North Africa Campaign Operation Overload The daring assault on Hitlers Atlantic Wall a formidable series of fortifications and mines along the French coastlines Yalta Conference hosted by the soviets brought the Big three allied leaders together in czar s former palace at Yalta a seaside resort on the North coast of the black sea Final Solution it was called the Jewish problem the whole sale extermination of some 6 million Jews along with more than 1 million other captured peoples CHAPTER 29 The Fair Deal and Containment Security Council Major agency called for charter would remain in permanent session and would have primary responsibility for maintenance of international peace and security members elected included United States The Soviet Union replaced by the Russian Federation in 1991 Great Britain France and the Republic of China replaced by the People s Republic of China in 1971 Each permanent member has a veto on any question of substance Iron curtain Winston Churchill used the term iron curtain in 1945 to describe the line of demarcation between Western Europe and the Soviet zone of influence George F Kennan A brilliant diplomat and political analyst stationed at the U S embassy in Moscow In 1946 he sent out a Long Telegram where he insisted that Roosevelt s assumptions that the Soviets would cooperate with the United States and the United Nations after the war peaceful coexistence were dangerously na ve Containment Kennan formulated this strategy for the United States as the basis of fighting the cold war with the Soviet Union The aim was to halt the spread of communism But Kennan was an analyst not a policy maker He left the task converting the concept of containment as a military doctrine Truman Doctrine President Truman gave a speech in 1947 declaring that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures Otherwise the Soviet Union would come to dominate Europe the Middle East and Asia George C Marshall A retired U S army chief of staff who had been the highest ranking general during the Second world war called for massive American aid to rescue Europe from disaster Marshall Plan Marshall used the occasion of the 1947 Harvard graduation ceremonies to outline his ingenious plan for reconstruction of Europe About 13 million was poured into Europe helping Great Britain France Italy and West Germany North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO The Soviet blockade of Berlin convinced the allied nations that they needed to act collectively to thwart Soviet efforts at expansion into western Europe On April 4 1949 The North Atlantic Treaty was signed by representatives of twelve nations The United States Britian France Belgium The Netherlands Lexumbourg Canada Denmark Iceland Italy Norway and Portugal Greece and Turkey joined the alliance in 1952 West Germany in 1955 and Spain in 1982 The treaty pledged that an attack against any one member would be considered an attack against all and provided for a council Jackie Robinson First African American player to cross the color line in major league baseball He endured much racial discrimination Dixiecrats They denounced Truman s infamous civil rights initiatives and championed states rights They hoped to draw enough electoral votes to preclude a majority for either major party throwing the election into the House of Representatives where they might strike a sectional bargain General Douglas MacArthur was put in command when Truman ordered American air naval and ground forces into action when the Security Council called on UN members to furnish such assistance to the Republic of Korea as may be necessary to repel the armed attack and restore international peace and security in the area House Committee on Un American Activities HUAC Kept up a drumbeat of accusations about supposed Communist subversives in the federal government Alger Hiss president of the Carnegie Endowment for international Peace who had earlier served in government agencies including the State

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