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02 21 2014 Ontology what communication looks like in the real life Do human beings make real choices o No we are only reactive so no we do not make real choices Our actions are only responses to stimulus social scientist Human beings make real choices humanists Communication behavior is individual based scientist People make different choices depending on who we are interacting with and it s a social behavior humanists Context does not matter scientists Context does matter humanists Epistemology how do we get knowledge how do we know what we need to know Knowledge cannot exist before experience We must experience or observe certain behavior before we know knowledge We must understand the whole 02 21 2014 02 21 2014

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UMD COMM 250 - Ontology

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Exam 1

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Exam II

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Exam 2

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Exam 1

26 pages



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Exam 2

Exam 2

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Exam 1

Exam 1

6 pages



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Exam 2

Exam 2

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Exam 2

Exam 2

8 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

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Exam 1

Exam 1

47 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

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Exam 2

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