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Study Guide Unit 2 1 Identify three different aspects in human memory processes o Encoding Paying attention o Storage o Retrieval Keeping information Recalling information Shiffrin and its limitations o Sensory memory 2 Know the 3 stage processing model of memory proposed by Atkinson Extremely brief sensory activation Some sensory input never enters conscious processing Types Iconic memory Visual Echoic memory Auditory Environmental input that enters our sensory memory We more or less immediately lose most of this However what we pay attention to then enters short term memory Limitation o Short term memory A part of perception rather than actual memory The capacity of short term memory is typically limited to 7 2 items Miller 1956 The Magical Number Seven In the absence of rehearsal pure capacity is probably closer to 3 5 items o Long term memory Memory for experiences and information accumulated over your Large capacity Anything other than what we are currently processing in STM Two minutes ago is probably well beyond your STM WM lifetime capacity 3 Be able to define STM classical term and know related terms Rehearsal decay magic number seven etc and how they work in STM o STM the part of memory that holds only small amount of information that the person is actively using o Rehearsal repetition strategy that maintains information in short term working o Decay without rehearsal items are quickly forgotten One way to lose information from STM o Magic number seven the capacity of STM is typically limited to 7 2 items 4 What is the serial position effect What is the source of primacy What The position of the item in a list makes a difference on our is the source of recency o Serial Position Effect ability to remember o Primacy effect Better recall for items at beginning of list More rehearsal Stored into LTM o Recency effect Better recall for items at end of list Still in WM with less interference 5 Know two different types of interference o Proactive interference Difficulty learning or recalling new material because some previously learned material continues to interfere with formation of new memories o Retroactive interference Difficulty learning or recalling old material because some recently learned material interferes with old memories 6 Be able to define WM and explain differences between STM and WM o Short Term Memory The part of memory that holds only the small amount of information that the person is actively using Older theory Does NOT account for attention o Working Memory The brief immediate memory for the limited amount of material that a person is currently processing Part of working memory also actively coordinated ongoing mental activities Newer theory Does account for attention 7 Know the 4 different parts in WM and their roles and be able to how those four part work in WM o Central executive The boss of working memory Duties Plans Problem solves Coordinates the other systems Initiates decision processes Integrates information from the phonological loop the visuospatial sketchpad the episodic buffer and long term memory Plays a role in focusing attention selecting strategies transforming information and coordinating behavior Suppressing irrelevant information Characteristics Plans and coordinates but does not store information Executive supervisor Decides which issues deserve attention Selects a strategy Decides how to tackle a problem Limited ability to perform simultaneous tasks Processes both visual and spatial information Allows you to Store visual appearance and relative position Store visual information encoded from verbal stimuli o Visuospatial sketchpad o Episodic buffer Temporary storehouse that can hold and combine information from the phonological loop the visuospatial sketchpad and long term memory Integrates information from different modalities so that you can manipulate information for interpretation Processes a limited number of sounds for a short period of time Also active during subvocal rehearsal process Process language sounds that we hear and sounds that we o Phonological loop make Examples Phonological loop long term memory Used during self instruction Leaning new words in your first language Producing new language Mathematical calculations and problem solving tasks 7 1 What is an acoustic confusion And subvocalization Subvocalization Repeat to self the voice in your head as you read silently to yourself Acounstic confusion make fewer errors when the letters do not sound similar relative to when they do 7 2 What s the evidence of phonological loop and visuo spatial sketchpad Know how Baddley attempted to prove it Phonological loop and Visuo spatial sketchpad o Baddeley and Hitch People can work simultaneously on one phonological task rehearsing the digits and visuospatial task making judgment about the spatial location of letters Even if the number of digits 3 vs 7 digits increased it still doesn t matter 8 Know what is N back task and how it was applied to fMRI study o Use fMRI see what parts of brain used when doing working memory task paradigm o The N back task Activation of prefrontal cortex during N back letter memory Prefrontal cortex activity increases with memory load Attend to and encode each letter Evaluate its identity Keep in mind the identify and order of the two previous letters Continuously update this mental record as sequence progresses 9 Know the importance of WM in human cognition and its relationship with mental health o Very important for functioning in the world Solving problems Arithmetic Sentence comprehension Remembering information o WM and Academic Performance Scores on working memory tasks are correlated with overall intelligence and grades in school Scores on tests of working memory especially the phonological loop are usually correlated with reading ability Scores on central executive tasks are correlated with verbal fluency reading comprehension reasoning ability and note taking skills o WM Abilities in Clinical Populations Christopher and MacDonald Tested participants with major depression Phonological loop Visuospatial sketchpad Central executive The participants with depression showed poor performance o Generally people with depression reported difficulty concentrating and ruminative style everything is my fault o People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often have more than others on central executive tasks Objectives Chapter 5 LTM 10 What is long term memory How does long term memory differ from

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