3rd STUDY GUIDE Chapter 8 Female Offenders Their Crimes o Gender differences in the proportion of arrests o Men commit more crimes than women o But that is narrowing o Women percentage of offenses commit more thefts and property crimes o Males commit more violent crimes UCR Decrease in violent crimes for both men and women o Females commit a greater proportion of property crimes Men technically commit more property crimes o Women are drug offending at a huge proportion Women 25 of a certain prison Men 16 of a certain prison o Risk factors for women in prostitution o Prostitution women who trade sex acts for drugs food clothing shelter o Violence abuse addiction o Most commonly referenced risk factor for prostitution A history of abuse o Other factors Drug addiction Poverty o Most common pathway for prostitution childhood sexual victimization o Street level sex work Most visible venue Most dangerous Where most sex workers are arrested These women on street have higher risk for violence and victimization o Effects By customers pimps alike 90 Higher rates of emotional abuse Robbed Raped Assaulted Drug abuse is a coping mechanism Mental health issues PTSD drug abuse Dental vision neurological respiratory and gynecological problems 40 times higher death rate o How did the shift to incarceration from community supervision affect women o Rehabilitation programs decrease in these programs o Rehabilitative punitive o Most prostitutes want to leave the lifestyle but they don t have HOUSING o Girls and Gangs Liberation Hypothesis vs Social Injury hypothesis Initiation process for girls o Liberation Hypothesis Women want equality so they commit these crimes increase in crimes Women are liberated from cooking cleaning etc Disagree Gang participation provides a peer support network Network helps both boys and girls cope with violence disorder o Social Injury Hypothesis compared to boys Girls in gangs experience higher levels of risk danger and injury when The risks for girls in gangs is greater than any benefits of membership o Initiation Process Jumped in or Walking the Line Walking the line girls were subjected to assault by their fellow gang members Pulling a train having sex with multiple individuals often male gang members Sexed in girls go less respect sexual victimization later in life w gang o Exiting The Gang Lifestyle o Coincides with the end of adolescence o May withdraw as the result of pregnancy o May exit due to legit employment or advanced education o May be removed due to incarceration in a detention center or adult facility o Some choose to be jumped out of the gang o Some just diminish their involvement with the gang Chapter 9 Processing Sentencing of Female Offenders o Chivalry Hypothesis Evil Woman Hypothesis o Chivalry Hypothesis Women receive preferential treatment by the justice system o Evil Woman Hypothesis Women are treated more harshly than men even when charged with same offense o 3rd Hypothesis Women get equal treatment in CJ system o Gender Pretrial Release Decisions o Men of color are overrepresented at every stage of CJ system o Black women used to commit more crimes than white women but now kinda o White women are more likely to be released at pretrial stage compared to black o Women of color are less likely to be able to post bond more likely to be detained at women due to posting bail pretrial o Women are seen as less dangerous than men more likely to be released o Race Gender Patterns concerning leniency o White women receive the greatest leniency compared to Latinos Blacks o Gender Sentencing Patterns o Lighter the skin the less the sentence o Women regardless of color get more leniency in color o Black women are starting to get more leniency cuz judges are trying to remove biased o White girls got out of home placement child saving o Women offender is less likely to be detained refused bail than women w a drug decision making crime o If on probation more likely to be incarcerated o Men with prior record more likely to de detained than women with prior record o Legal Factors vs Extra Legal Factors o Legal Factors Severity of the offense Criminal record of the offender Levels of injury experienced by the victim The culpability or blameworthiness of the offenders Affect decision making process Offense type Presence of a prior record being under supervision Gender effect of legal factors can vary by jurisdiction o Extra Legal Factors Family Type of attorney private public defender Affect decision making process Family ties to the community can mediate the sentencing outcome Private attorney more likely to be able to satisfy the financial demands Public defender women were twice as likely to be detained at the of bail pretrial stage o Sentencing Guidelines o Just Deserts punishment is proportional to the crime Increase punishment of offenders for their crimes against society o Federal Sentencing Guidelines Considered really harsh Standardization factors under the guidelines no pref treatment 4 race gender The offense committed The presence of aggravating mitigating circumstances Criminal history Women of dependent children usually got an easier sentence o Significantly affected women The unique needs of women aren t taken into consideration o Increased incarceration for men women o Can t really look at extra legal factors anymore o Racial composition of the female prison population o Black males white males black females white females Chapter 10 The Incarceration of Women o Historical trends in women s incarceration o Women men both suffered in filth overcrowding harsh conditions o Women were confined in separate quarters in men s prisons o Women were victims of sexual assault by male inmates guards o Elizabeth Fry Her work was the inspiration for the women s prison movement in the US Felt it was the responsibility of women in the community to help incarcerated women o Major changes Women should be under the authority of women Women should be housed in their own institutions o Reformatory VS Custodial Institutions o Reformatory Prison was designed with the intent to rehabilitate the female offenders Women were convicted of public order offenses Women received on indeterminate sentence Effective in responding to women prisoners being abused Treatment orientation philosophy has been criticized by feminist scholars as examples of patriarchy White women Sentenced for in determinant amount of time o Custodial Similar in design purpose of male institutions Women
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