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HIST 2057 Tuesday January 17 2012 9 59 AM In the civil war main question is whether a state can lead a union is cession legal Can states leave the union Constitution is silent on this issue doesn t give states a way to leave the union States that left the union Confederacy said yes it can happen Confederate states of America to protect slavery North said you can t leave the union fought the war to get southern states back to preserve the union later on fought to end slavery as well More people died in the war than all other American wars combined At least 620 000 dead Civil war was a harvest of death at least 38 of Confederate soldiers 1 in 4 died o At least half died from disease You can take the cost of the civil war buy the 4 million enslaved and built them houses for less than the cost of the war South spent everything it had o Each state in the confederacy made it s own money so after the war if you were stuck with that money you were stuck with worthless paper 4 6 billion now 150 200 billion investments in the south are lost Test Questions short answer and essay RECONSTRUCTION 1865 1877 I Post Civil War Situation A South devastated most of the war was fought in the South primarily Virginia between Richmond and Washington they lost the war Confederate government and leaders collapsed No push to keep the war going Economy is destroyed no slaves to help with all the agricultural needs no cash crop economy Before the war it was one of the wealthiest places on the planet A conquered nation B North want to punish southern slaveholders so punished the whole south instead of individual slaveholders Twice as many men served in the north a reason it won the war aprox 93 000 runaway slaves 200 000 black soldiers total Higher death toll 360 000 dead 1 in 5 Economy boomed during the war industrialized running at full speed The North wasn t invaded more numbers more and better equipment all reasons they won Power of the federal government was expanded since the north was in full control raise the tariff fund imports so that people buy from them domestic goods South blocked that because it doesn t have an industry to protect it they wouldn t benefit Internal improvements were made with federal funds A Political what happens to the South s former leaders How do you get the states back into the union Constitution says nothing How much power does the fed gov keep B Economic How does the South recover No more slaves former system is failed II Post Civil War Issues C Racial What is the status of 4 million formerly enslaved people Citizens rights to vote political rights In the South what system of racial control will be come up with to control the blacks So who will start solving them Constitution says nothing about this Lincoln uses his executive power to reconstruct starts it during the war with states that fell early makes it easy for them to return He wants to take states away from the Confederacy to gain more power during the war 10 would pledge allegiance to the union and they were readmitted 13th amendment then bans slavery and creates the Freeman s Bureau Federal agency tries to help ex slaves to learn to read and understand labor contracts set up hospitals and schools All of that began before Lincoln was assassinated on the eve of the end of the war His death makes the North even more angry at the South and makes Andrew Johnson pres o o From east TN got into democratic party politics became TN Gov then Senator Opposed to cession but not opposed to slavery Lincoln appointed him military gov of TN after TN fell to the union then added to the ticket as Lincoln s VP then Lincoln died He was a terrible politician and wasn t capable of doing a good job from the beginning III Presidential Reconstruction A Requirements on South 1 Lincoln s plan see above 2 Johnson s plan elected in 64 as VP in 68 wants to stay again but he s a democrat N is rep and the South would have to reelect him Has a reconstruction plan to win over the South an build them up Set up to make the reconstruction easy on the South New state constitution void confederate debts denounce cession By the end of 1865 reconstruction is over deemed by Johnson not true though Self reconstruction is the characteristic Allows the states to reconstruct themselves Federal government interferes only to end government Does nothing about the status of ex slaves and the racial issue Allows for the rapid re election for the South s former confederate leaders Wants to establish political allies in the South pardoned all wealthy southerners who retook the oath to the constitution B White South s response disgusted knows the war is over and slavery But believes they haven t done anything wrong by leaving the US to protest slavery and then fighting a 4 year war over it Reject any federal interference o o Hate the Freeman s Bureau and want it abolished in their minds it s only there to keep them from exploiting black labor Commitment to white supremacy slaves should have no citizenship no voting rights Refused to announce succession by large took news of it off the books Pass the black codes varied by states o o o Used to control slaves freedom No guns No voting No land Can t go to court against a white man o Vaverency laws Used to control black labor Unless you have documentation stating where you re employed you can be put in jail for not having a job Elect ex vets to congressional jobs Alexander Stevens elected to Senate VP of the confederacy o Northerners want to see the South punished as well as Republicans in Congress South wasn t getting punished pretty much giving the finger to the North C Republicans in Congress respond Renew the Freeman s Code Passes the first civil rights act in history 1866 says anyone born in the US is a citizen of the US making new slaves citizens Civil rights act counters the Black Codes Passes the 14th amendment to say if you re born in the US you are a citizen of the US and have all civil rights Voids confederate debts of the states Says if before the Civil War you took an oath of office to the US to serve in the military or an elected official and then joined the confederacy you loose all civil right committed treason and you cannot run for office again D Johnson and the South s reaction Tells the South not to ratify the 14th amendment says he ll get them a better deal o o Went on a speaking tour to denounce Congress Conflict with him and Congress they hate him and disagree They end up taking over the

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LSU HIST 2057 - RECONSTRUCTION (1865-1877)

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