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Study Guide Exam 2 Multiple Choice Key Terms New York World Open Door Policy Panama Canal Progressive Reformers of the 20th Century Margaret Sanger Isolationism Preparedness Containment Pacifism Sedition Act of 1918 League of Nations United Nations North Atlantic Treaty Organization The Justice League The Spanish Flu Sixteenth Amendment Jane Addams Hull House Muckrakers Progressives Suffragettes Yellow Journalists Progressives Suffragettes The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 President Woodrow Wilson Wilson s Fourteen Points The Red Scare of 1919 and 1920 Ku Klux Klan Christian Fundamentalists Nativism Nicola Sacco Bartolomeo Vanzetti Immigration Act of 1924 Trial of teacher John Scopes All definitions can be found in Text book be sure to read side notes and focus on bolded terms This test covers Chapters 23 28 in the book BEST OF LUCK Danny Frost Exam 2 Essay Questions 1 Who were the Progressives What did they advocate What did they accomplish and how were they different from American Reformers 2 Regarding to The Great Depression how does the nation change after Hoover and Roosevelt s take over How is the government transformed Was the new deal successful

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