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Cognitive Psychology Exam 1 Study Guide Ch 1 6 Ch 1 History of Psychology 1 What did Aristotle say about memory and recollection Memory is a mental picture which is imprinted Recollection of an imprint is when the present o Imprints experiences a person remembers are similar with elements of past sensory experiences 2 What did Descartes say about the mind o We are born with innate ideas o Dualism mind and brain separate but interact 3 What did Lock say about the mind o Mind starts as a blank slate we are not born with innate o We acquire knowledge through experience particularly ideas associations 4 What is introspection o Careful systematic observation of studying consciousness o Structuralism 5 What is the forgetting curve Why did Ebbinhaus use the CVC fro stimuli o The longer the time that goes by the more you forget o CVC format consonant vowel consonant used to eliminate prior knowledge from task 6 Difference between functionalism and structuralism o Structuralism identifying components of consciousness the o Functionalism the why focus on the function or purpose what of consciousness rather than it s structure 7 Problem with structuralism o Not the right way to approach o Doesn t see the value of breaking consciousness into parts Sees it as holistic 8 What were some contributions of William James o Father of psychology o Habits harder it is to escape o Memory isn t necessarily facilitated by effort are like ruts more you do it the deeper it gets the 9 What is the basic idea behind Gestalt psychology o Whole is greater than its parts similar to functionalism o Principle of Totality 10 What were psychological tests first used for o First used in WWII for selection for service o Also intelligence testing for immigrants job placement 11 Why did the cognitive revolution happen o Many phenomenon of psychology that can t be explained by o We learn things without trying sometimes without stimulus stimulus response 12 What was Skinner s argument about free will o Free will doesn t exist o He believed in determinism Actions are determined by the stimuli we re given in our life In a controlled environment he can predict what you would do in certain situations 13 What is operant conditioning o Basis behind training animals controlling behavior o Reinforcement and punishment 14 What were the limitations of behaviorism o Fails to explain many of the cognitive phenomenon that exist Particularly language 15 What did Toalman show in his rat research o Latant learning animals can learn the connections between stimuli without rewards 16 What findings strengthened the cognitive revolution o Chomsky challenged Skinner and the limits of behaviorism o Language can t be explained by just stimulus response o Explained through cognitive processes not just the o Computer also played a big roll There s a lack of information environment 17 What is connectionism o Computer model for how neurons work together Neurological plausibility Parallel constraint satisfaction Graceful degradation 18 What is embodied cognition won t be on test o A movement related to we have to understand perception the body and how it relates to the environment in order to understand cognition Ch 2 Perception 1 What is the difference between top down and bottom up processing o Bottom up processing Visual aspects Deals with the stimulus itself Detects features within the stimulus Expectations memory influencing what you see Using prior knowledge to identify the object o Top down 2 What is the template model of object recognition o We have a template in our brains when identifying o Instead of breaking model into features it s based on a template 3 What is the feature based model of object recognition o Break down objects into features that combine together o When enough features are present we identify the object 4 What evidence supports the feature based model of object recognition o Detecting those with similar features is harder Ex P and R 5 What is the recognition by components theory o Combining geons to form meaningful objects 6 Suppose you identify an object on your desk What two basic processes are involved in you recognizing what the object is o Combine bottom up info stimulus itself with top down information in order to identify 7 What is change blindness o Not noticing when something changes in a scene o Video example person asking for directions o Occurs because overriding and too focused on situation o Overactive top down processing 8 What is inattentional blindness o Missing something obvious because attention is focused on o Overactive top down processing something else 9 What are some of the errors humans make in facial recognition How does expertise affect performance in facial recognition o Hard time judging make errors if not familiar with the person o Knowledge familiarity will help o Expertise didn t make a difference 10 What is the McGurk effect What does it tell us about speech perception o Visual info particularly the shape of the mouth and tongue o What you see is what you think you re hearing o Supports general theory of speech perception that other can effect change what we hear information will affect it Ch 3 Attention 1 What is attention o The study of the focusing and allocation of resources 2 What is a dichotic listening task o Type of selective attention task where you pay attention to sounds in one ear and ignore those in the other 3 What is the stroop task o A selective attention task where people are asked to name the color of a word while ignoring the word itself 4 How can the stroop task be used to assess disorders o It will take longer to say the color of a word that has o This helps detect those with compulsive thoughts and meaning salience to you eating disorders 5 What is a common danger of divided attention o Slower reaction time 6 What is one characteristic that affects a visual search o Distractors Salience of targets Number of features o If they share many features it will take longer to detect 7 What is feature integration theory o Distributed and focused attention o Two stages to visual search 1 Parallel snapshot scanning 2 More focused attention where features are integrated and closely aligned to where they should be according to original stimulus 8 What are illusory conjunctions o If resources are depleted we use memory to try to put images back together top down processing o Focused attention doesn t have enough time capacity to bind features o If someone is shown a picture

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FSU EXP 3604C - Cognitive Psychology: Exam 1 Study Guide

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