Chapter 10 Medical care Iatrogenesis medical errors that harm patients We usually think of illness of as biological matters but what is considered health and illness is also a social matter health care system has moved to a profit business also known as fee for service medical system two tier system of medical care medical service for those who can afford good insurance and for those who cannot cesarean birth baby delivered through abdominal surgery this is an example is medicine for profit since c sections cost more than natural birth why C sections become common even though they are medically unnecessary convenience allows doctors to take control of the delivery process profit costs more money than natural delivery technology technologies gear towards c section preference some women prefer c section in fear of labor pain symbolic interactionism symbolic interactionists focus on how people determine meaning and how those meanings influence their behavior when we feel sick or have unusual feeling we try to find a label for it what is considered an illness changes with time Example sexual orientation conversion therapy attempt to change a persons sexual orientation symbolic interactionist also study how doctors and patients interact lay referral network family friend neighbors whom they talk about their medical problems professionals professional referral network made up other physicians and medical depressionalization treating a person as an inanimate object defensive medicine doctors ordering extra tests that the patient may not need to show they did everything they could Functionalism functionalists assume that customs or social institutions persist because they fulfill social need Physicians nurses and investors in the U S health care industry benefit from the fee for service system Patients also benefit from this system because they can shop around and chose which doctor to see and what service to purchase They believe the fee for service is a self correcting system Conflict theory conflict theorists believe that healthcare in the U S is battle for money and interest groups Goals of the medical industry is profit and power Conflict theorists argue that health care should be a right of all citizens the poor are sicker than others because they have lost the struggle for high quality education food housing jobs and medical care Chapter 11 changing family Today many people are postponing marriage Before the industrialization divorce was rare But with the social changes taking place especially in reduced functions of the family and lower birth rate marriages become fragile Postponing marriage can have downside social stigma Cycle of violence encourages women to stay in abusive relationship Symbolic To explain why divorce is so high symbolic interactionists examine what people expect out of marriage todays husband and wife tend to expect their spouse to meet most of their emotional needs and these expectations place a heavy burden on marriage creating an overloaded institution our cultural expectation of finding one true love who will bring us true happiness sets us up for disappointment As parenting roles shift so do marital roles husbands are no longer sole providers and wives are no longer just homemakers breadwinner primary source of support of the family homemaker one who would stay home take care of the house and children what marriage mean to people have changed the idea that love brings unlimited emotional satisfaction has become a source of shattered dreams Our new ideas about children parenting and being a husband or wife has placed an emotional overload pushing us towards divorce Functionalism functionalysts analyze social change they look at how change in one part of society affects its other parts seven key factors of family 1 economic production 2 socialization of children 3 care of the sick and injured 4 care of the aged 5 6 sexual control of family members 7 reproduction recreation most of these key factors are no longer factors of family as we move out of the industrial revolution as families lose these key factors their bonds will start to weaken and become more fragile conflict feminist theory the stress that marriage and family roles reflect the basic social inequality that runs throughout society Conflict theorists view high divorce rate not as a sign that family has become weaker but rather that women are gaining equality reproductive labor the work that a wife performs behind the scenes that allows her breadwinner to flourish in his more public life Chapter12 Industrialization revolution started the move from rural areas to cities also known as urbanization Urbanization the movement of masses of people to cities which have a growing influence on society City a large group of people that live in the same place that don t produce for themselves In 1950 new york and Tokyo were the only mega cities in the work mega cities are usually developing countries this causes health issues poverty and high unemployment urban crisis the cluster of interrelated urban problems middle class leaves urban cities and leave to the suburbs this leaves the urban cities to the poor further impoverishing the city symbolic interactionism Anderson s studies a graduate student at university of Chicago he found three main groups that he found at Jelly s bar 1 2 3 the regulars these men see and present themselves as hard working the wine heads these men neither value work nor do gthey work regularly Their main concern is getting enough money to buy wine the hoodlums these men pride themselves on being though and having access to easy money They are involved in theft other men at Jelly s do not trust them chicago school of sociology research applied to urban life this term is used beause in the 1920s and 30 s sociologists at the Univesity of chicago used participant ovservation to produce what become classic studies of urban life wyte s classic study symbolic interactionist remind us that the poor do not experience urban problems in the abstract Burgess came up with a classic model of the city Functionalism zone 1 is the buisness center zone 2 is the zone in transition where it is constantly changing It includes the places like china town and some slums zone 3 is the workingmen s home zone 4 residential home zone 5 is the rich gated community conflict theory conflict theorists argue that class conflict underlies urban problems the wealthy control a city s affairs These decisions always
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