Carina Tenaglia Chapter 10 SYG 2010 Final Exam Lecture Notes Lifestyle has a big impact on health and wellness o Environmental conditions surrounding this People in LA will likely have increased risk of respiratory problems smog Industrial revolution o This is where it all begins changes increased how quickly we got sick Social conditions changed Emitting pollutants Changed working environment factories less sunlight activity Change in sleep patterns types of food being eaten Health problems have increased Iatrogenesis illness caused by medical professionals Life expectancy has increased technological advances o Ex going in for surgery and they do the wrong surgery This would rank 6th if ranked as a leading cause of death o Surgery usually causes these mishaps How necessary is surgery o Natural childbirth v cesarean section o Medicalization of problems things that we used to deal with naturally Correlation v causation Diagnoses change They change to make more sense o Ex pulling teeth will not cure mental illness Objective concern and subjective concern o Coal miner story black lung respiratory problems No longer weakness actual causation by coal dust Increased medical costs more research technology o More people living longer Fee for service o medical costs have gone up by 65 regular inflation 5 6 o medical industry trying to make more money How the medical system addresses the public o Two tier system of medical insurance Those with insurance can afford it Will be treated first better more carefully Those without can t afford it Treated later not as well o Money profitability convenience more convenient to schedule surgery than have someone continually coming back for care Income and education are related to increased life expectancy o Better medical insurance better standards of living better careers Statistics show that wealthier people are not healthier diet wise tend to eat higher fat content diets richer foods etc o We rate health of society on life expectancy and infant mortality o Infant mortality infant deaths before 1st birthday per 1 000 births o The US doesn t rank so well because we have a high rate of poverty pockets of poverty and in those areas infant mortality is high o Improved lifestyles access to education income etc helps out with these factors and health in the long run Types of health care o Preventative o Heroic Not being overweight to be in better health routine examinations etc Medical professional tends to be this type More money involved profitable Surgery Treatment for ailments like diabetes etc Doctor specialization o Uneven distribution of doctors creates a social problem in medicine o More doctors went into specialty areas less as general practitioners We need rural doctors why FSU medical school built Mental Illness o No way to really define or measure it Unsure of how to treat it o Increases in costs budgets get cut no profit etc Deinstitutionalization in mental health We can treat them on an outpatient basis view November 19 2014 Part II of Chapter 10 Medical care physical mental SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISTS We all come from different backgrounds but we all get sick Back pain o People who do labor intensive work usually result with a bad back o Doctors lawyers professionals students usually do not have this normally How we interpret these illnesses is also how we go about getting or not getting treatment How we determine what some symptoms will mean o Some people w head cold will say it doesn t mean anything o Others may freak out How we label things also determines how we look at stuff o Drug addict v someone who takes a lot of prescription medication Ex Alcoholism v drunkenness How do we find doctors o Lay Referral Network Ask parents family friends acquaintances for advice insight o Professional Referral Network Getting referred by physicians to another one They oftentimes get kickbacks Depersonalization CONFLICT THEORY Rich v Poor Obstetrics Other o Ex having other doctors and students observing and reading over charts during hospital stays FUNCTIONALISM Function of sick people keeps doctors in business Fee for service provides more incentive Illnesses do lead to progress and discovery o Story about the coal miners and black lung o Who gets better treatment Rich get better and faster medical care Some say that wealth and level of insurance doesn t matter o Doctor v Patient Doctor is in control They want to keep this AMA American Medical Association o 20th century became the only way to have a baby in the hospital Today leading killer is heart disease used to be difference o Some illnesses haven t changed but what we ve called them has changed Infectious diseases have gone down over time Medical industry says it s because of better treatment medications Sociologists say that the environment is now cleaner better water sanitation plumbing got rid of trash in the streets etc o Infectious disease was on the decline anyway medication just helped Advances in technology Background education and social class commonality is lifestyle and environment o Commonalities help us understand how we look at things interpret others etc Some diseases are making a comeback o Ex measles no longer required for immunizations o Some diseases have produced drug resistant strains
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