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Word Abraham Maslow Behavior genetics Behaviorism BF Skinner Biological perspective Carl Rodgers Cognitive perspective EB Titchener Eric Erikson Functionalism Gestalt psychology Humanistic psychology Ivan Pavlov Jean Piaget Module 2 History of Psychology Definition Humanistic psychologist who proposed the hierarchy of needs with self actualization as the ultimate psychological need The study of the relative effects of genes and environment on our behavior The theory that psychology should only study observable behaviors not mental processes Developed the fundamental principals and techniques of operant conditioning and devised ways to apply them in the real world School of thought that focuses on the physical structures and substances underlying a particular behavior thought or emotion Humanistic psychologist who developed client centered therapy School of thought that focuses on how people think how we take in process store and retrieve information Founder of structuralism Created an 8 stage theory of social development Theory that emphasized the functions of consciousness or the ways consciousness helps people adapt to their environment Psychological perspective the emphasized our tendency to integrate pieces of information into meaningful wholes Perspective that focuses on the study of conscious experience the individual s freedom to choose and the individual s capacity for personal growth Russian psychologist famous for a learning theory called classical conditioning Pioneer in the study of developmental John B Watson Karen Horney Kenneth and Manir Clark Martin Seligman Positive Psychology Psychoanalysis Psychodynamic Sigmund Freud Social cultural perspective Structuralism Wilhelm Wundt psychology who introduced a stage theory of cognitive development that led to a better understanding of children s thought process Founder of behaviorism the theory that psychology should restrict its efforts to studying observable behaviors not mental process Neo Freudian who found psychoanalysis negatively biased toward women and believed cultural variables are the foundation of personality development Researchers whose work was used to in the Brown vs Board of Education case that overturned segregation in schools American psychologists who researched helplessness early in his career before turning his interests to optimism he has been the primary proponent of positive psychology Movements in psychology that focuses on the study of optimal human functioning and the factors that allow individuals and communities to thrive Freud s theory of personality and therapeutic technique that attributes thoughts and actions to unconscious motives and conflicts View of personality that retains some aspects of Freudian theory such as the importance of unconscious thought process but is less likely to see unresolved childhood conflicts as a source of personality development Founder of psychoanalysis School of thought that focuses on how thinking or behavior changes in different contexts or situations Theory that the structure of conscious experience could be understood by analyzing the basic elements of thoughts and sensations Founder of modern psychology William James First American psychologist and author of the first psychology textbook

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UW PSYCH 101 - Module 2 : History of Psychology

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