Foundations of Counseling Exam 2 Chapter 6 Active Listening 1 What is Listening a An active process b Main points to convey i That you heard what your client was saying ii That you saw your client s point of view 1 Without just saying that you heard them 1 You understand why they are saying it based upon their experiences etc iii That you felt their experience 1 You understand what it feels like 2 Self care don t feel exactly what you client feels a Can get exhausting b Just be sure to understand c When you hear and see your clients you can develop unconditional positive regard for your clients i This is acceptance of your client 1 Knowing people make bad decisions but we d 3 skills of active listening will always help our clients move forward ii Developed by Rogers person centered theory i Encouraging 1 Overview a Short responses i 1 3 words ii Vocal tone b Body language a Client continues to talk b Client may go deeper into what they are 2 Predicted result i Client will give more information saying 3 Warning a Too much can be distracting b What are you encouraging ii Paraphrasing 1 Overview a Shorten and clarify what your client is b Notice client s key main words saying 2 4 steps i Be sure to use those same words when paraphrasing what your client is saying words ii Make sure to incorporate client s c Phrase as a question or comment a Sentence stem b Key words c Essence i Example it sounds like i Use words your client uses i Should be the essence main point ii of what your client said Instead more brief clear and concise d Checkout i Check for accuracy ii Example is that right a Summarize the comments iii Summarizing 1 Overview i Integrate thoughts emotions and behaviors into those comments ii Stating more than just what the client told you during the session b Clarify lengthy and complex discussions i Entire session or multiple sessions c Helps put details into larger perspective i Make sure you have everything correct d Open and close sessions i Beginning session clarifying you still understand what happened last time 1 Can summarize prior session ii Ending session puts everything 1 Can summarize the session discussed into perspective 2 Predicted Result a Help the client make connections b Client is able to understand their behavior Chapter 7 Reflecting Feelings 1 Review a Paraphrasing b Reflecting feelings i Saying what your client said to you back to them 1 Use our own way of speaking but utilize the client s specific word choices i Paraphrasing with emotions ii Not just saying what the client talked about but extracting feelings that were involved 1 These feelings weren t explicitly said 2 Technique to reflect feelings a Listen for key emotion words i Example if your client explicitly says they are feeling a certain way be sure to utilize that word b Look for non verbals i Clients may not say their emotions ii Read your client s non verbal emotions and express them c Name the emotion i When client s don t name their emotion you must do ii Make a name for their feeling so 3 Non verbals d Reflect emotions back to client a Observe indicators of emotional experience b Express unspoken feelings c It s helpful to reflect d Key Techniques i Client s may not be aware of their emotions ii This is why we must help them identify them i Sentence Stem ii Emotion label 1 I sense that you might be feeling 1 Add emotion to the sentence stem a You are feeling worried iii Context iv Tense and Immediacy 1 Add terms such as about when because etc a Example I can tell you may be feeling worried about the grade you received on your chemistry exam 1 Current emotions vs past emotions a Example I can tell you may be feeling worried about the grade you received on your chemistry exam last week v Checkout 1 Is that correct 2 Am I on the right track 3 Did I understand you correctly 4 Reflecting Feelings Emotional Reflecting a Purpose and Aim i What really caused the initial feeling ii What was the primary emotion your client was iii Primary Emotions 4 feeling 1 Fear 2 Mad 3 Sad 4 Glad happy 1 Example anger primary emotion iv Secondary Emotions a Associated emotions to anger include i Guilt ii Resentment iii Disappointment iv Embarrassment 2 These emotions can be both positive vs negative a Example surprise i Negative surprised with a death ii Positive surprised with proposal b Be aware that identifying emotions can go in both directions 2 connotations 3 Social Emotions a Guilt shame pride and embarrassment b The book recognizes these terms as feelings that occur due to relationships c Guilt vs shame did something wrong and know you hurt someone s feelings 1 You feel guilty about your i Guilt action I blame myself for hurting ii Shame someone s feelings 1 Putting yourself down as a person b Key Techniques i Open Questions 1 Tell me about what you are feeling right now 2 Can you tell me how this makes you feel ii Closed questions 1 To easily make sure we are on the right path c Pacing really close to a primary emotion i What do you think clients will often do when they get 1 Shut down 2 Get very nervous 3 Joke because they are uncomfortable 1 Your response depends on the client ii What can you do d Predicted Result of reflecting feelings i Clients will understand their emotional state more 1 Clients will realize how they are feeling when fully and talk in more depth about feelings you name the specific emotion i Problems may arise when e Problems with reflecting feelings 1 Cause is not acknowledged 2 When there is a misattribution 1 People don t like to address emotions 2 Listening skills may seem more awkward i Sometimes it feels like we are ii Social conventions a We try to use key emotion naming terms forcing it b Client won t want to name that emotion c Client will stick more to what they think about it i Don t want to discuss emotions 5 Key Scenarios a My work won t really involve emotions b What to do It may not but it depends on the job i i Distinguish your role 1 Know what your role is if you need to address 2 If you don t talk about emotions be sure your emotions client s know this as well ii Engage in active listening 1 Without trying to change the feeling 6 Why do feelings matter a 4 key aspects that are inter connected i Thoughts ii Feelings iii Behaviors iv Beliefs b These 4 aspects are all related to each other i Additionally they all influence one another 7 Theories i The way you feel during a situation or about a a What is emotion situation b Schachter s 2 factor …
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