COMM EXAM REVIEW Spiral of Silence Theory Elisabeth Noelle Neuman 1974 Goal expression o To PREDICT how perceived public opinion can influence individual o To EXPLAIN how a dominant public opinion develops based on peoples perceptions of what others think Assumptions 1 Society threatens deviant individuals with isolation 2 This fear of isolation causes individuals to try to asses the climate of opinion at all times through a Personal observation b The media 3 Public behavior is affected by public opinion assessment Concepts o Fear of isolation Solomon Asch 1951 o A Quasi statistical Sense o Pluralistic Ignorance o Dual Climate of Opinion o Media s influence Ubiquity Cumulativeness Consonance o Media set the agenda for public o Media frame a topic in a certain way Spiral of Silence Face Negotiation Theory Stella Ting Toomey 1988 Goal o To EXPALIN how members of different cultures manage conflict o Stella Ting Toomey Assumptions o Face is important in interpersonal interactions individuals negotiate Face differently across cultures o Certain acts face threatening acts threaten one s projected self image i e face o Face Saving Actions Efforts to avoid embarrassment or predicament o Face Restoration Strategy used preserve autonomy and avoid loss of face ex offering excuses o The management of conflict is mediated by face and culture Concepts o Face What is face An extension of self concept a metaphor for public image we want to display how we want people to perceive us Socially situated identity identity people conjointly define during social interaction A universal concept o Facework What is Facework The specific verbal nonverbal behaviors that aims at dealing with one s and or the other s face wants People make whatever they are doing consistent with their face threatened Happens when our the others face are expected to be Being treated in such a way that the expected identity claims are challenged or ignored Types o Tact Facework Respect for another s autonomy avoid directives o Solidarity Facework Accept the other as an in group member emphasize commonalities o Approbation Facework Minimizing blame and maximizing praise o Culture Culture is interpreted along many dimensions What we focus in this theory is how people from different cultures value personal vs group needs Individualistic Cultures o Focus is on individual needs preferences and identity o Examples United States Great Britain Canada the Netherlands etc o Self face concern o Negative face need desire to be autonomous and free from others Collectivistic Cultures o Focus is on group needs preferences and identity o Examples China Japan Latin American countries Mexico etc o Other or mutual face concern o Positive face need desire to be liked and admired by others o Care more about one s self face because they will choose individual o Conflict management styles Face Concern needs over group needs Face Need o Desire to be liked and admired by others o Types Explanation Avoiding stay away from disagreement Obliging satisfy the needs of others Compromising middle road Integrating find a solution to a problem higher degree of concern for yourself and others compared to compromising o Cultural variability face needs and concerns conflict strategies Individualistic culture self face concern and negative face needs dominating Dominating behaviors using influence authority or expertise Collectivistic cultures other face concern and positive face needs avoiding obliging compromising integrating Avoiding stay away from disagreement Obliging satisfy the needs of others Compromising middle road Integrating find a solution to a problem higher degree of concern for yourself and others compared to compromising Face Maintenance o People want to maintain face E g if someone asks me a question during class and I cannot answer it it is a face threatening act to me I might save my face by saying I m very nervous today since this is the first time I m talking to such a big class UPFRONT or I might restore my face by saying it s not my area AFTER face loss has happened How cultures manage conflict Face threatening act o Americans use more dominating o Taiwanese use more integrating o Chinese and Taiwanese use more obliging o Chinese use more avoidance and compromising Evaluation o Good Scope and boundaries are clear Heuristic Parsimoniously stated Logically consistent o Bad Validity The cultural dimension of individualism collectivism may not fully explain cultural differences Other issues pertaining to face needs may exist but are not identified positive face negative face too general How does FNT define communication o Correspondence because people conjointly define face Metatheoretical Assumptions o In the middle Have choice how people manage conflicts will differ from culture to culture even within each culture people can choose comprising integrating as research shows in the previous slides Social face is defined conjointly between the interactants Contextualized differ from culture to culture relationship to relationship EP research methods empiricism people create faces together social constructivism AX value free Use empirical methods to study but ways to know can also be social constructivism Traditional Rhetorical Theory Aristotle Rhetoric persuasion The Rhetoric ORAL RHETORIC others decisions or actions ORAL AND WRITTEN Rhetoric and Public Communication o Aristotle 384 BC 322 BC Finding all the available means of o George Kennedy A system of language intentionally used to persuade o Rhetoric fits into the concept of public communication because Speakers MUST consider the context Speakers MUST consider their audience Origins of Rhetoric o Greece about the 5th Century BCE o Early rhetorical theorists emerge o The Sophists taught Greek citizens public speaking Basic principles of persuasion Aristotle s role in rhetoric o Plato disagreed with the Sophists Absolute truths about the world o Former student of Plato o More practical than Plato but still disagreed with the sophists o Wrote a comprehensive treatise on rhetoric circa 384 BCE commonly known as The Rhetoric Assumptions o Rhetoric is designed to find the best or most appropriate form of influence or persuasion o Rhetorical communication is public o Speakers MUST consider the context o Speakers MUST consider their audience o Rhetorical communication is intentional o Speakers intend to influence their audiences and develop strategies to accomplish goals o Rhetorical theory is a
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