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Am Pres Final Exam prof lec notes review 12 06 2015 End of the 1800s beginning of 1900s executive 1800s was a period of congressional government and a weak End of the 1800s led to the start of the progressive era Progressive era o Started by huge industrialization o Too much power in a few wealthy hands Theodore Roosevelt became president after Mckinley was assassinated Theodore Roosevelt president from 1901 1909 Republican Roosevelt embraced the concept of a presidential mandate but was anti jacksonian in that he believed in an activist central government the square deal industrial dispute o Use of office to lead public opinion went over congress heads Believed in a unitary executive with a strong central government TR s goal was to restore balance using executive power known as Teddy was the first president to recognize the rights of labor in an What was new to his presidency Was able to court and manipulate congress His stewardship theory of the presidency is what allowed him to o Issued far more executive orders then any president before Roosevelt reshaped the presidency by interpreting the constitution Ended the old patronage system as allowing so much independent executive action act without authorization of congress him Created the Panama Canal Taft 1909 1913 Republican Taft was TR s secretary of War Did not believe in Stewardship theory o Thought president should exercise no power that was not specifically granted by constitution or Congress Taft was a believer in limited executive power Taft was weak and crippled many progressive policies Congress at this time was organized by a committee based power structure in congress rather then party lead Taft submitted the first presidential budget Woodrow Wilson 1913 1921 Democrat Jennings Bryan Woodrow Wilson is elected by winning the support of William Wilson was a true progressive Wilson wanted a parliamentary system with the president as a figurehead o Did not make parties irrelevant Saw himself as a leader of the party focusing the party on the people s wish and used party structures to forge a closer relationship between president and congress congress better and get the public on board with his entire program Wanted to modify the party system so that the president could lead Woodrow Wilson used the media to appeal directly to the people o President is now opinion leader in chief a presidents articulation of a vision for the nation is now a part of presidential responsibilities custom established by Jefferson WW addressed congress personally which was a huge break in monopolies o This was the president getting closer to congress Became a personalized presidency Governed as a party leader New Freedom Agenda wanted corporations smaller no o Made his program a party program not a progressive one o Was able to create the Federal Reserve Board Used party discipline to get his program passed by returning patronage in nominations to federal jobs rather than nominating progressives WW was an idealist WW faced defeat on the League of Nations Harding 1921 1923 Republican and a lower profile executive Hardings presidency was characterized by corruption return to normalcy America was a war weary nation tired of internationalism longing for older more agrarian times o Harding wanted more congressional control of government o Executive power is now in a slight retreat o Had a temporary return to a full on spoils system and o Tea Pot Dome a conspiracy between the secretary of the Albert accepted bribes from the oil magnates to try to multiple scandals culminating in the Tea Pot Dome interior Albert Fall and two oil company magnates get oil controlled by the navy to be privatized Major accomplishment revolution on budgeting o Budget and Accounting act is now passed bureau of budget is created along with the GAO the congress s auditing office o Harding used budget authority to drastically reduce federal spending Executive power victory under Harding SCOTUS o SCOTUS Chief justice Taft s opinion holding that the president had an unrestricted power to remove people executive officeholders Harding also brought a new level of media manipulation cultivated o Hillary Clinton doesn t do this probably why the media hates relationships with many top reporters her Calvin Coolidge 1923 1929 Republican First radio president Had a very personalized presidency Herbert Hoover 1929 1933 Republican Sees America headed to an economic disaster his solution o Use the executive branch to ENCOURAGE the development of private institutions and voluntary cooperation on the part of private entities Was a believer in limited government Was not a legislative leader and would not propose sweeping programs to deal with the Great depression o Believed that individual liberty is bound to be trampled when government exercises power Convened many economic stabilization conferences Devoted to the idea of a division of powers and that a president Was not a communicator should not lead the legislature o Did not deliver speeches to congress nor work with the press Franklin D Roosevelt 1933 1945 Democrat it FDR Truman and Eisenhower essentially create the modern Roosevelt Characteristics presidency head on o Great faith in his own abilities willingness to take the new age o Willingness to experiment o Embrace of the new o Appreciation for the precedents set by breaking tradition In his inaugural address asked congress for broad executive power to wage a war against the emergency to fix the economy o Were essentially War Powers Passed the Emergency Banking Bill used a fireside chat to explain o Congress was controlled by the democratic party Signature Welfare achievement and centerpiece of the New Deal the Social Security Act o Roosevelt was very revolutionary Roosevelt argued that the governments job was evolving from preserving a negative liberty to one of ensuring positive liberty o Positive economic liberty stems from Lincoln belief that poor are not free Was not anti profit The American people had a growing tendency at this time to think The institutional presidency was also created of the president as the government o The Brownlow Committee proposed the EOP and the BoB was o WHO was created inside the EOP moved out of the treasury and into the EOP Reorganization of the bureaucracy created the administrative presidency where the president could shape domestic policy through executive orders and rule making by executive departments o Vagueness of article II allows this FDR

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