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Principles of Advertising Exam 2 Study Guide COPYWRITING COPY words in the advertisement headline tagline words in logo body copy dialogue voiceover Headline most important copy component of a print ad Tasks attract attention segment readers lead readers into copy Direct product name product benefit or attribute reader takes away these 2 main pts Indirect curiosity puns word play creates interest in rest of ad higher readership Tagline slogan Tasks gain attention provide consistent link in campaign summarize brand position Effective taglines short no specific length easy to remember trigger thoughts re brand Logo visual design representing the company or product Body Copy Components not always formal paragraphs Lead paragraph tied to headline transition to body copy Interior paragraphs details of the ad Final paragraph call to action Writing GOOD body copy benefit to the reader solution to a problem consumer point of view single purpose write to 1 person psychographic profiles involve the reader present the unexpected credibility believability especially important when dealing w facts writing style relationship building conversational tone personal PRINT PRODUCTION LAYOUT the orderly arrangement of all copy artwork Most likely elements of a print ad to stop the reader grab attention headlines illustrations Visual vs Verbal shift from heavy reliance on copy greater reliance on visual Visual Copy elements must work together Visual broad image Copy main point words precise Ex ads w words blocked don t convey message as well not as appealing Illustration tasks attention for the headline convey broad ideas feeling emotion tell a story Illustration contents product alone Ex Tiffany s necklace product in use Ex fam eating smiling over Stouffer s lasagna creation of image mood Ex snowboarding goggles F K they re amazing charts tables graphs dramatization of product features Ex Weight Watchers ad large Entrance door skinny Exit door Principles of Advertising Exam 2 Study Guide DESIGN Balance aesthetically pleasing equality of an ad s elements horizontally vertically Focal Point the single element that draws reader into ad Only 1 per ad Copy headline Visual illustration photo Eye movement the manner in which the eye reads an ad upper left to lower right Z pattern Gaze motion created by a layout that purposely breaks the natural eye movement creates disruption eyes Ex eye contact creates relationship OR viewer will follow subject s gaze limbs structures Unity the extent to which all elements of an ad tie together Continuity in a campaign Ex Bose noise cancelling headphones all ads for this follow the decreasing bars layout TYPES OF LAYOUTS Picture window standard illustration headline body copy extensive copy large illustration Poster bold visual creates mood image feeling very limited copy Copy heavy extensive copy little or no visual support serious involving topics BROADCAST PRODUCTION SCRIPT specifies the audio video instructions allows for discussion of proposed commercial many departments involved internal use Many departments involved need a lot of input revision on script from collaborative effort copyrighter creative director account director legal things to make sure substantial claims etc STORYBOARD developed from script blueprint for production Presentation helps agency sell its creative ideas Components pictures showing main scenes written description s Video written description of what camera sees Audio written description of what is heard TELEVISION PRODUCTION 3 basic stages of broadcast production Production for a movie production for TV ads almost the same just longer production time depends on complexity could be days or months Preproduction all planning decisions prior to filming Lighting wardrobe cast setting permits etc Approval once pre production s done production stage Production shooting of the storyboard Pre post production can take longer than actual production Postproduction all activity after the filming of the storyboard Sound effects music off cam voices audio enhancement video editing etc CREATING EFFECTIVE TELEVISION COMMERCIALS 6 factors Visually captivating most content is visual Principles of Advertising Exam 2 Study Guide K I S S Keep It Sweet Simple focus on 1 main idea Opening is critical attention must be held early Entertainment as a means to sell advertising is not pure entertainment Believable credibility is crucial context Show desired behavior when possible Ex Coca Cola ad teens in ocean having fun w soda in hand all 6 factors Ex Orville Redenbacher popcorn ad tea party w fam being brought together show desired behavior Ex Pet Smart puppy program visually captivating opening believable show desired behavior Ex Yamaha biker ad stereotyped Harley rider but R B Barry White music visually captivating desired behavior shown believable Ad can have factors still not be effective Ex shows all these penetrations of skin unexpectedly leads to hard top convertible car ad captivating opening is critical no context RADIO PRODUCTION no visuals creates difficulties can make radio production the most challenging production to write copy for Creating Effective Radio Commercials 7 factors Grab attention early station switching tuning out Theater of the mind we think visually using voices sound effects music to let the listener s imagination create visuals Music jingles most programming is music based Image transfer transferring a visual created in a visual medium to radio K I S S focus on 1 main idea Ask for action listener can t see product in use behavior Repetition listener can t see product Specific radio strategies 4 categories categories not mutually exclusive Humor subjective make sure it s broad enough so funny to enough people Unique voices voiceover dialect Sound effects sfx Ex horn for Carnival cruise Music Ex country biscuit ad w country music ASSESSMENT RESEARCH DIRECTIONAL RESEARCH guides the creative effort by providing a clearer view of the realities faced by a creative team points in right direction Useful during situation analysis consumer analysis product a competitive a macro analysis ASSESSMENT RESEARCH evaluates the success of the creative product in achieving strategic objectives did we achieve the objective Research conducted early in the decision sequence has the greatest value Conducted throughout the entire creative process PRETESTING developmental pretesting concept testing Conducted during strategy development early in the creative

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FSU ADV 3008 - Principles of Advertising

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