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Main concepts for periods of art 1 Mannerism High Renaissance drew from classical antiquity developed in 16th c portray ideal natural human form idealism painting sculpting the ideal in nature Platonic attitude humans cannot see perfect forms incapable pushing boundaries of realism going beyond natural forms ex long neck of Madonna in Parmigianino s painting artifice expressive distortion unrealistically vibrant colors ex artist Michelangelo later years of his life considered grandfather of this style art academies are established theoretical 2 16th c in Germany and Netherlands Protestant Reformation against veneration of saints art is idolatrous iconoclasts destroy all imagery in religious settings ex artist Albrecht D rer traveled to Italy many artists went there to study Italian Renaissance art oil is primary medium developed before Italians moralizing paintings of Bruegel and Bosch warn against vice and sin emphasizing harsh moral codes 3 17th century European Architecture and Sculpture counterreformation emphasis on saints cults subgroups and missionary work that glorifies the Catholic Church saints used as advertisements success stories churches are much bigger ex new St Peter s cross basilican plan to fit as many people as possible art became act of persuasion deviation in classical models of architecture sculpture drama theatrics oval replaces circle square as perfect forms grandiose gilded architectural features and mix of 2D and 3D space to draw viewer in depth created in churches by placing sculptures around a painting ex Palace of Versailles new St Peter s 4 17th c European painting ex artists Poussin Caracci brothers Caravaggio chiaroscuro and tenebrism effects hyperrealism move away from expressive distortion of Mannerism highlighting flaws and imperfections of the body 5 Early to mid 18th c Rococo stucco and arabesque shapes no moralizing pastel colors rocaille pebbles shells grottos that are man made smaller private works ex table pieces 6 Mid to Late Eighteenth Century Neoclassicism art is unemotional restrained back to original naturalism of Renaissance 7 Romanticism 1789 1848 individualized personal interpretation more of a method than a style drawing upon traditional principles for own purposes new classes in society All overlap in 18th c certain artists draw from multiple movements

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