Recent reports discussing the population bomb A verify that the population will expand above 20 billion B indicate that the explosion is slowing C show that it doesn t matter since food supply grows equally fast D show that the population of the world is now decreasing Moore s law relates to A urban legends B computer viruses C biological viruses D computer chip capability If the water moderator is lost from a nuclear reactor A the reactor will explode like an atomic bomb B radiation from fission fragments will continue to produce heat C all of the power of the reactor will immediately go to zero D the chain reaction will increase causing a reactivity accident For an atomic bomb the number of doublings required is closest to A 10 23 B 235 C 80 D 16 Which of the following does not represent exponential growth A a computer virus B spread of smallpox C epidemic of flu D illness from anthrax The dangerous radioactivity in fallout comes from A neutrons B neutrinos C gamma rays D fission fragments An implosion type of bomb is required for A a U 235 bomb B a Pu 239 bomb C a thermonuclear bomb D a boosted fission weapon A breeder reactor is designed to produce A U 235 B tritium C U 238 D plutonium A one kiloton nuclear weapon exploded at ground level would destroy A about 1 square mile of a city B most of a small city e g San Francisco C most of a large city e g New York City D many cities if they were within 1 00 miles of each other PCR has been used to A identify children of Thomas Jefferson B check the guilt of convicted murders C identify victims of 9 11 D identify the fathers of children E All of the Above A moderator is something that A slows neutrons B slows fission fragments C fissions more easily than U 235 D speeds up the chain reaction The Hiroshima bomb used A a gun design B thermonuclear fusion C implosion D boosted fission Fallout is much worse if the bomb A is exploded near the ground B is exploded at high altitude C undergoes fewer generations D contains no fissile material Which of the following is not a good example of the doubling law A lightning B avalanche C nuclear chain reaction D future population growth A nuclear reactor cannot explode like a nuclear bomb because A it contains too much uranium B it contains no uranium C the nuclear reactor depends on slow neutrons D it is carefully designed to shut down quickly The number of nuclear weapons that the United States has was closest to A one million B ten thousand C one thousand D several hundred The statement that the Chernobyl accident will kill 24 000 people is based on A measurements of leukemia and thyroid cancer near Chernobyl B the linear hypothesis C the concept of a chain reaction D the fact that radioactivity is contagious According to the text the least bad place to put nuclear waste is A in the Sun B all the way into outer space C in our food D underground The material that might be reprocessed from nuclear waste is A tritium B U 238 C U 235 D Pu 239 The Canadian Candu reactors use A light water B deuterium C thermonuclear fusion D tritium Plutonium can explode with fewer generations than can uranium because A plutonium fission releases more neutrons B plutonium fission releases more energy C plutonium does not require a moderator D plutonium turns into uranium In a nuclear power plant the material that runs through the turbine is A fission fragments B electrons C neutrons D steam The number of deaths from the Nagaski bomb is estimated to be A 100 to 500 B 50 000 to 100 000 C 2 to 3 million D 12 million The smallest container that could contain one critical mass of plutonium is A a tablespoon B a coffee mug C a large suitcase D the trunk of an automobile The bomb dropped in Hiroshima used as its fuel A uranium B plutonium C hydrogen D deuterium and lithium 6 Saddam Hussein planned to enrich uranium using A Calutrons B centrifuges C lasers D gaseous diffusion A centrifuge enrichment plant takes an area of about A one living room B one large classroom C one large building D about one square mile PCR involves A tritium B carbon 14 radiocarbon C heavy water D DNA One of the most radioactive materials from fallout is A U 235 B Pu 239 C Sr 90 D deuterium The term China Syndrome refers to A the accident at Chernobyl B meltdown of the nuclear fuel C production of plutonium in China D nuclear terrorism Depleted uranium is a useful substance because A it is radioactive B an artillery shell made from it is very penetrating C it is poisonous but not very radioactive D it can be converted to U 235 PCR was used to learn about A the critical mass of uranium B descendants of Sally Hemmings C the security of Yucca Mountain D locations of oil underground Another name for the H bomb is A dirty bomb B stealth bomb C fission bomb D thermonuclear bomb A nuclear explosion similar to the one produced by North Korea would destroy an area of about A the size of berkley college campus B the size of a medium size town C the size of a major city D the size of a small state e g Massachusetts Cold fusion A despite claims has never been observed B has been seen in laboratory experiments C is the key mechanism used in the Tokamak D is used by Livermore in the NIF National Ignition Facility project At Three Mile Island choose all that are correct A there was a reactivity accident runaway chain reaction B over 200 people are expected to die from the released fission fragments C some of the uranium fuel melted D despite newspaper reports no radioactivity was released What distinguishes a breeder reactor from other reactors is that A it uses slow neutrons B it cannot melt down C it uses hydrogen as its fuel D it makes more fuel than it uses Jupiter is not a star because A it isn t made of hydrogen B it isn t massive enough C it is too far from the Sun D it isn t made of helium Current is measured by A volts B calories C amps D watts E ohms A volt is a measure of A energy per electron B number of electrons per second C force on the electron D density of electrons Magnetism comes from A magnetic monopoles B moving quanta of light C quantization of charge D moving electric charge In a permanent magnet the magnetism comes from A the spin of the electrons B the motion of the protons C the high voltage inside the atom D the electron avalanche Magnetic monopolies A are found at the ends of magnets B are produced by …
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