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History 2057 Danny Frost Test 1 Reconstructing the Union Ch 17 Freedmen s Bureau pg 542 General Oliver O Howard was the commissioner of the Freedmen s Bureau which stated freed slaves must be free to choose their own employers and be paid for their labor It provided medical care distribute food and set up schools The Bureau even created their own courts John Wilkes Booth pg 544 A crazed actor Democrat who assassinated President Lincoln Andrew Johnson pg 544 Vice President for Lincoln was also a target for Booth and his accomplices He escaped injury Black codes pg 546 The new all white southern state legislature passed Black codes designated to restrict the freedom of African Americans demonstrated that they intended to preserve slavery as nearly as possible Thaddeus Stevens pg 547 was part of the Joint Committee on reconstruction to gather evidence of the south wanting to Thwart reconstruction Fourteenth Amendment pg 549 It went far beyond the Civil Rights Act and established a constitutional guarantee of basic citizenship for all Americans including African Americans Fifteenth Amendment pg 553 ratified in 1870 forbids the state to deny any person the vote on grounds of race color previous condition of servitude Kentucky was the only state to fail on ratifying the Amendement which ironically was the birthplace of President Lincoln The 3 Amendments were all related in ending slavery Thirteenth Amendment Fourteenth Amendment Fifteenth amendment Carpetbaggers pg 556 people who put all their stuff in a carpet and went straight to the south to grab political spoils for the hope of economic growth They were usually teachers preachers social workers animated by a sincere missionary impulse Scalawags pg 556 Most scalawags had opposed secession forming a Unionist majority in many mountain countries Many scalawags were Whigs attracted by the Republican Party s economic program of industrial and commercial expansion Greenbacks pg 560 paper currency distributed by the U S government during the civil war which was not backed up by gold or silver Credit Mobilier scandal pg 562 A sham construction company run by directors of the Union Pacific Railroad who milked the Union Pacific for exorbitant fees in order to line the pockets of the insiders who controlled both firms Horace Greenley pg 564 1872 Liberal Republicans elected candidate Horace Greenley He promoted vegetarianism socialism and spiritualism Democrats swallowed the pill and voted Greenley in desperate hopes to beat Republican candidate Grant Compromise of 1877 p 567 Southern Democrats struck a secret bargain with Reublicans That if Hayes were elected he would withdraws for the last federal troops from Louisiana and South Carolina letting the Republican governments thee collapse In return the Democrats promised to withdraw their opposition to Hayes accept in good faith the Reconstruction Amendments including civil rights for blacks and refrain from partisan reprisal against Republicans in the South Conquering the West Pg 612 627 New South pg 607 presents a perfect democracy of small farms and diversifying industries Sharecroppers pg 609 worked the owners land in return for seed fertilizer and supplies and a share of the crop generally about half Tenant Farmers hardly better off might have their own mule plow and line of credit with the country store Redeemers pg 611 They supposedly saved the South from Yankee domination as well as from the straitjacket of purely rural economy The redeemers included a rising class of lawyers merchants and entrepreneurs who were eager to promote a more diversified economy based upon industrial development and railroad expansion Bourbons pg 611 Opponents of the redeemers In an effort to depict them redeemers as reactionaries George A Custer pg 616 Lieutenant Colonel a reckless glory seeking officer led an exploratory expedition into the Black Hills Miners were filtering onto the Sioux hunting grounds despite promises that the army would keep them out Great Sioux War pg 617 Largest military event since the end of the Civil War and one of the largest campaigns against Indians in American History Ghost Dancer movement pg 619 A craze fed upon old legends of a coming messiah and spread rapidly In 1890 the Lakota Sioux adopted it with such fervor that it alarmed white authorities which led them to banning the Ghost Dance on reservations But the Indians defied the order and crisis erupted Frederick Jackson Turner pg 624 historian who wrote about The Significance of the Frontier in American History Turner s frontier thesis guided several generations of scholars and students in their understanding of the distinctive characteristics of the American history The Gilded Age Ch 18 20 John D Rockefeller pg 585 CEO of the Standard Oil Company of Ohio Standard Oil Company of Ohio pg 585 refining oil company the company controlled over 90 percent of oil refining in the country The company produced its own oil and whatever else it needed Andrew Carnegie pg 587 Experienced an uncommon rise in poverty to riches Steel magnate and business icon J Pierpont Morgan pg 588 invented stocks and controlled sixth of the nations railway system He eventually bought out Andrew Carnegie s steel and iron holdings in 1901 Knights of Labor pg 593 The Knights promoted the social and cultural uplift of the workingman rejected Socialism and radicalism demanded the eight hour day and promoted the producers ethic of republicanism Samuel Gompers pg 596 Founding president of the American Federation of Labor AFL a new organization that would soon supplant the faltering Knights of Labor as the nations leading union American Federation if Labor pg 597 delegates from twenty five craft unions organized Its structure differentiated from the Knights of Labor in that it was a federation of national organizations each of which retained a large degree of autonomy and exercised greater leverage against management Homestead steel strike pg 598 was an industrial lockout and strike which began on June 30 1892 culminating in a battle between strikers and private security agents on July 6 1892 The battle was one of the most serious disputes in U S labor history second only to the Battle of Blair Mountain The dispute occurred at the Homestead Steel Works in the Pittsburgh area town of Homestead Pennsylvania between the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers the AA and the Carnegie Steel Company The final result was a major defeat for the union and a

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LSU HIST 2057 - Reconstructing the Union

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