Large territories and population Neither followed traditional path of governmental development Sparta vs Athens Sparta Peloponnesus Athens attica Similarities Differences Sparta Dorian Land based Agriculture Poor Army No walls Conservative Monarchy Didn t issue coins Athens Mycenaean Sea based Trade Rich Navy Walls Liberal Democracy Initially opposite interests Sparta Dorians Nature of city Dual monarchy Agricultural conservative Only city that kept kings Senate Citizens Men over 60 Advised king Warrior assembly Men over 30 Retify Senate 700 BCE Good rule social system Lycurgus Got along relatively well nothing they competed over Designed to produce good soldiers create a military society Training began at birth including women The upbringing Entire citizen army under arms Helots huge slave population Athens Mycenaeans Nature of city Liberal trade Began development like all other cities except Sparta Began as aristocracy Officials known as archons Council based on birth Citizens assembly men over 30 ratified decisions of council Oligarchy 592 Solons Rich people not members of aristocracy Introduction of oligarchy to avoid revolt Council of 400 based on wealth Radical democracy Cleisthenes 508 Archons Council of 500 chosen by lot Names picked at random Strategos general One job not picked at random Elected position All full citizens given equal rights Total participants 7 of population Conflict with Persian Empire Classical age 500 323 BCE Persian wars Darius Revolt of Ionia 498 Under Persian rule since conquering of Lydia Appealed to greeks on mainland Athenians sent 20 ships to Ionia Darius only able to raise army in 494 stopped revolt Ambassadors sent to Greek cities Asked for Earth and Water Medizers name for greeks that surrendered Surrendered Spartans murdered Persian ambassadors 1st Persian invasion of Greece 490 200 ships from Ionia across Aegean sea to attack Athens Battle of Marathon 490 Persians vs Greeks Xerxes 486 2nd Persian invasion of Greece
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