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Chapter 1 OVERVIEW Intro to the study of social problems by defining sociological imagination explaining sociology s theoretical approaches and describing sociological methods of research Sociological imagination a point of view that highlights how society affects the experiences we have and the choices we make Sociology the systematic study of human societies Society people who live within some territory and share many patterns to behavior Culture a way of life including wide spread values what is good bad beliefs what is true and behavior what people do every day Individualism the idea that for better or worse people are responsible for their own lives Widely shared value Sociology s key insight many of the personal troubles people face are really social issues with their roots in the operation of the larger society Thinking sociologically widespread unemployment may be a personal problem but it is also a social issue Social problem a condition that undermines the well being of some or all members of a society and is usually a matter of public controversy Condition referring to any situation that at least some people define as troublesome ex not having a job being overweight etc Social problems spark public controversy Social constructionist approach the assertion that social problems arise as people define conditions as undesirable and in need of change States that social problems have a subjective foundation reflecting people s judgements about their world Does it objectively cause serious harm to thousands of people Is it subjectively considered a very serious problem Yes No Yes No Homicide Use of Automobiles Marijuana Use of cell phones When investigating social issues it is important to consider both objective facts and subjective perceptions Claims making the process of convincing the public and important public officials that a particular issue or situation should be defined as a social problem First step creating controversy More powerful by joining together ex Mothers against drunk driving The greater the mass media coverage the more likely it becomes a social problem Likely to prompt counterclaims from opponents claims making from two different positions ex abortion being murder being a woman s right Success marked by the passing of a law Social movement an organized effort at claims making that tries to shape the way people think about an issue in order to encourage or discourage social change Stages in Social Movements 1 Emergence occurs when people come together sharing their concern about the status quo and begin to make claims about the need for change 2 Coalescence occurs as a new organization begins holding rallies and demonstrations making public its beliefs and engaging in political lobbying 3 Formalization the movements become established players on the political scene 4 Decline becoming established is no guarantee of continuing success May happen because they run out of money claims fail to catch on with the public or opposing organizations are more convincing May decline because of success ex Occupy Wall Street Social Problems 8 Assertions 1 Social problems result from the ways in which society operates Sociological perspective shows us that social problems are caused less by personal failings than by the operation of society itself 2 Social problems are not caused by bad people Whether the crime rate is high or low depends not on individuals but on how society itself is organized 3 Problems are socially constructed as people define a condition as harmful and in need of change Claims making 4 People see problems differently Most issues are matters of controversy 5 Definitions of problems change over time Public s views on what constitutes a serious problem change as time goes on 6 Problems involve subjective values as well as objective facts Today 31 percent of people who have ever been married have also been divorced But does this mean that there is a divorce problem 7 Many but not all social problems can be solved Situations that are problems for some people are advantageous to others and sometimes those who benefit are powerful enough to slow the pace of change or to prevent change entirely 8 Various social problems are related Because social problems are rooted in the operation of society many social problems are related to one another Adopting a global perspective also shows us that some social problems cross national boundaries Also it shows that many dimensions of life and many of life s challenges may be quite different elsewhere Theory a statement of how and why specific facts are related Theoretical approach a basic image of society that guides theory and research Theories Social pathology theory normal operation a model that treats social problems as a disruption in society s holds that problems arise when society breaks down explains social problems in terms of racial and ethnic inequality explains social problems in terms of men s dominance over Social disorganization theory Multicultural theory Gender conflict theory due to social change that occurs too rapidly women others around them people define it ex social drinker vs problem drinker Learning theory Labeling theory claims that people learn troublesome attitudes and behaviors from states that the reality of any particular situation depends on how Structural functional approach Models theoretical framework that sees society as a system of many interrelated parts ex how the economy produces and distributes material goods o Sociologists describe the main parts of this system as social institutions major spheres of social life or societal sub systems organized to meet a basic need o Pays little attention to social divisions based on race class and gender o Social pathology theory social disorganization theory o Macro level a theoretical framework that sees society as divided by Social conflict approach inequality and conflict o Society divided into haves and have nots o It overstates the extent of social divisions and rejects scientific objectivity in favor of political activism calling into question the truth of some of its claims o Multicultural theory o Macro level Feminist approach approach Feminism is a political movement that seeks the social equality of women and men aka the gender conflict is another type of social conflict o Overstates the degree of inequality separating the sexes Form of social activism o Gender conflict theory o Macro level Symbolic Interaction approach product

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FSU SYG 2010 - Chapter 1 Sociological imagination

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